Oh, shoot-outs are so much fun. :rolleyes: Up in Moose lake in '94? there was a shoot-out. Moose Lake, being a very small town, of course wasn’t known for stuff like that to happen. It got pretty hairy. Moose Lake city cops, Carlton County cops, SWAT team from Duluth. The shoot-out took place right on top of Soo Hill. My family and myself lived right on the bottom. Being the model citizens we were, my parents and I directed traffic away from the hill and offered people successful detours to their destinations. One county cop died. So did the man that shot him.
It was a very sad week for most of the county. The officer that died was very well known, and liked. They held his funeral in the gymnasium of the Moose Lake school. The police cars, one from each state, took up the entire football field, baseball field, and playground. My grandparents filmed the line of squads going to the school with my mom’s video camera.
I recall first moving near downtown Jackson. Back then, it was like moving into downtown Beruit. Gunfire every night, and more on weekends. It’s died down over the years, to the point where it’s rare at best. My cynical guess is that they all killed each other off.
During deer season, we hear gunfire all the time. We have a herd of deer still living in the area. Considering how much the town has grown in the last couple of years, you would think they would get smart and move farther north.
A few years back, when I lived on the border of Detroit, we heard gunfire pretty much on a daily basis. None of it was really close enough to be truly worried about though.
It’s not a city thang. It’s gettin’ on deer huntin’ season, which means the woods that surround my parents’ house will be alive with the sound of gunfire soon. And not just rifle. They have one neighbor who gets drunk and shoots with his semi-automatic. Keep in mind, the woods are only about 1/4 mile thick. I don’t know much about balistics, but I’m pretty damn sure semi-auto fire can travel well over 1/4 mile lethally.
Another fun deer hunting anecdote? On average, one holstein dies every deer hunting season, shot by drunken hunters. We’re not talking a dog that is the same COLOR or SIZE as a deer, but a friggen black-and-white cow. Sheesh.
Tonight as I was sitting watching the Olympics (yah I think they are an over glorified track meet but what the hey right?) I thought I heard a gunshot outside my house not like really close but definately neighborhood like… it might have been nothing though since I haven’t heard any sirens yet. I hope its nothing.
Gosh, Rysdad, Minneapolis must’ve changed a lot since I lived there! About 20 years ago I (as a small teenaged girl) thought nothing of walking my dog in the park around Lake of the Isles at 1:00 am. Nothing ever happened in Kenwood.
Time to move to good old boring St. Cloud, Rysdad. Bob and I will help sandyr move you. There have been drive-by shootings in our area, but it is rare enough that the media still plays it up and isn’t blase about it yet.
I’m a block away from LOTI. Off of Lagoon by Lunds.
It hasn’t changed much. EXCEPT, Uptown has become the suburban hang-out now. I was bitching about it to myself as I was coming home tonight. Suburbanites running around clogging up the traffic.
Violence around Kenwood, et al? Nah. Don’t know where Rysdad is living, but I think he’s talking about the Broadway area. It’s always been nasty around there.
I’m amazed at how many people around this board are basically my neighbors. Small world.
Hi, CnoteChris! I’m a former Minneapolitan and current Tenneeseean. Minneapolis was probably my favorite of all the cities in which I’ve lived. I used to live a block off Kenwood Parkway and I went to school at the now-defunct West High. I walked across LotI to school in the winter. Or skated, sometimes. Broadway has always been a little tough, but I never felt uncomfortable waiting for the bus there. Oh! Is the old Readmore Bookstore still on the corner of, of…I can’t remember. It was my favorite bookstore in town. My father worked for Dayton Hudson in the executive offices on top of the old store. It’s been forever since I was back. I don’t miss the winters, though, In Tennessee you can always count on the daffodils to bloom by the end of February.
You need to come back and visit. I’ve been here most of my life. Love it.
It’s changed quite a bit. All for the better, in my humble opinion. Not the small city it once was. The people are still as nice as before.
Readmore? Hmmm. Not sure I know where your talking about. Dayton’s? They leveled the old building to build a new high-rise for the ever expanding Dayton-Hudson enterprise.
LOTI- Just a few weeks ago myself and a couple others were canoeing right where you used to cross to school. Beautifull area. Probably the same as you left it.
Memories? ehh?
To the O.P… Not trying to hijack this, just curious where your living?
I’m living right outside of Nashville. The people are friendly here, too, but in a different way from the way I remember Minneapolitans. In MPLS the people were friendly, but reserved. You could usually count on them to be courteous, polite and helpful if asked. In Nashville the people can be almost like labrador retreivers. Very friendly, whether you want it or not. They are good ol’ boys, and it takes some getting used to, and the accent and grammar are atrocious! But still, it’s pretty. It’s hilly, and green most of the year, but with enough winter to remind one of the north. They panic if it snows in Kentucky!