I'm in Dueser Heaven!

I luuuurrrves me some Due South. I made an effort to watch that show every time it was scheduled to appear on my television. Unfortunately, I never, for reasons that do not need exploring at this juncture, made myself a tape collection of the show.

Recently, I’ve noticed the explosion of DVD collections of TV shows. I’ve sniffed around at them to see what was there, but haven’t been in a position to plunk down my hard-earned money for any of them yet (although one of these days I’ll have to own West Wing, at least seasons 1-3 or 4).

Today, with money in my pocket due to an unexpected Christmas bonus, I was looking for a particular music CD, when I happened to wander through the DVD boxed set stacks. On a whim, I made my way to the “D” section. Lo and behold, there awaiting me, serendipitously, were one and only one copy each of season one and season two (with the “real” Ray Vecchio, whom I much prefer).

Hallelujah! I’m reunited with my man in red, and all is right in my little world, at least for this one day.

Celebrate with me, fellow Duesers! :cool: