I'm in need of reassurances that everything will, in fact, be OK.

Again, guys, thank you. You’re making me get all teary-eyed – in a good way. :slight_smile:

I went to see my psychiatrist this morning, and he’s prescribed Wellbutrin to augment my SSRI. Anyone have personal experience with Wellbutrin? I’m starting it today, so we’ll see how that goes…

I have to say this – I feel so blessed to be a part of the SDMB community. Y’all are downright amazing. Whenever I start to feel low, I can always remember that I’m loved by wonderful people (here on the boards and IRL) and, hey, maybe that means I have some wonderful qualities, too.

So, here’s hugs and kisses and thankful thoughts to all of you who have posted your support. ((((((kunilou, Sim, Turp, beatle, Anti Pro, Scylla, poohpah, Chrome Toaster, Redboss, Scotti, Tripler, Geobabe, Lux Fiat, inor, Lyllyan, Soda, L714, Spider Woman)))))).

Plus a hug to Sue Duhnym for her e-card. (((((Sue)))))

Another great big extra special hug to poohpah for sending me prayers and good thoughts when he’s having a rough time, too. ((((((poohpah chalupa)))))

I think I’m going to go take my dog for a walk in the woods. The fresh air and exercise should do me good… and there’s something enchanting about forests on the verge of spring.


Serendipity, I don’t know you and I’ve never read your posts before that I can remember, but I want to write and tell you that things do get better. I spent 2 years clinically depressed, locked up in a boarding school. I’m now living happily at home, off of meds and having a pretty neat little life.

On the other hand, I’m very close to someone who is currently going through a really hard time, my now ex-girlfriend. She had spent time in a hostpital before, and was on Meds, and apparently she just slipped. She spent a week out of school, but when I called her she just told me that she had the flu and had to stay home. Then last Friday night while I was out with friends she called my house and left a message from inside an institution.

I spent two days desperately trying to get in touch with her family to get her contact code. When I finally talked to her it was one of the saddest things I can think of, and we sort of broke up there on the phone. I don’t regret that, but I really regret that it happened then. Well anyway she got out and today is the first day she’s been back. I talked to her for a while, and I reassured her that I’m her friend and I will always be here to support her, but I also said no when she asked me to get back together with her. I really believe that it’s not what she needs right now, and as a selfish note I don’t think I can handle the feeling of being in that situation again.

Well, sorry to get my own vent going on in your thread, but the moral of the story is that things can be really hard, but there is always hope, even if it is a rocky road.

Hug for Serendipity (((Serendipity)))

::takes a big breath::

Alright, that’s my contribution.


You are welcome, Serendipity. Please keep us posted on how things are going.

Dip, I can’t think of a better place to come to for this type of encouragement.

One thing that you should know, is everything, no matter what, will get better. Totoro’s fact of life #1.

I’m so sorry you’ve hit a rough patch, 'dipity, but it really is temporary. You WILL feel better. You’ve handled some very tough challenges with good heart and good sense. Yes, things will be okay. You’re far more than just “okay”; you’re a bright, empathetic, thoroughly nice person. Just ask the folks around here! And it isn’t a group that ::ahem!:: minces words or opinions, either.

I believe that most people who’ve suffered bad times themselves come out of it stronger, not to mention to mention kinder. Just give yourself some time. Everything will be okay.


No, NOoooOOOOooooo!!!

Everything is QUITE lovely!

It’s because I’m still wearing my magic glasses, so I can see everything is quite nice. I love my dog, I got to see him today!

Dippity-Doo, I think you are about as dour as a sprinkler system spouting Yoo-Hoo and strawberries. The nice thing is that there are all kinds of sparks shooting out of my head but they are pink rock-candy sparks instead of angry red fire sparks.

Eeee hee hee…

Anyway, hope you’re feeling groovy, or at least NOT all squidgy. :frowning: You’ll see- the nice thing about depression is that it feels SO GOOD when it goes away.

Oh, yeah.

I sound like I’m on E or something. Nope, this is how I get when IT goes away.

Ah well, I can’t be helping very much and I must look lke a fool.
What am I doing here on a Saturday afternoon anyway? I need to go make some more clay heads now or something. Or check on poor Buster, my seagull.


FEEL BETTER. Go fly a kite. But wait until nightime because you’ll look more ominous. It’s great fun!

Hey, you have Simetra on your side. It can’t be all bad. :slight_smile:

It gets better… I promise. Keep doing what you’re doing to help yourself, and most of all, keep your head up.

Serendipity, I just know everything will be okay!

(I have an anxiety disorder that makes me feel an extremely vague to extremely intense and specific sort of anxiety pretty much every day of my life, so I *have to *believe everything will be okay, or I just won’t know what to do with myself…)


Serendipity, I am so sorry I didn’t see this before now. I don’t know how I missed it. Please forgive me.

You are a strong and good person. You can and will make it through this. You have an amazing support network here. Please take advantage of it. You know you can always e-mail any of us if you need anything.


With family, professionals and your ‘second family’ firmly behind you, you’ll definitely get through this. Might not be tomorrow or next week, but you’ll get there. You’re not taking your present situation lying down: you’re doing something about it. Makes all the difference.

I can’t say I’ve went through a similar situation. Actually, given what I read on these boards, I can only come to the conclusion that my life’s been sheltered, a walk through the park. But one quality I’ve noticed in MANY of my fellow Dopers is their resilience in the face of adversity, and I wholeheartedly applaud them for it. As I wholehartedly applaud you for taking the bull by the horns, so to speak.

It will be O.K. Give it time.

You know we, here, are all rooting for you.

The SDMB Community: Accept no substitute!

I’m actually feeling pretty good today, although I have been a little fatigued, but I’m hoping that’s just the remnants of the cold I’ve been fighting for the last week and a half. In the back of my mind, though, there’s the fear that whatever progress I make now will only be temporary. Whenever I’m feeling better, there’s always the lingering question: how long will it be before the next depressive episode strikes? And if it never comes, if I continue to feel “normal” (for lack of a more precise term)… in all honesty, that frightens me, too. After years of dealing with it, I’ve become adept at despair. I’ve been practicing since childhood. There’s a sort of comfort in it. Sometimes I think I let it define me, being depressed, having depression. I try not to allow it to, but I sometimes wonder if there’s truly anything besides that that makes me special… Rationally, I know I’m a good person – it’s just that I don’t feel it all of the time…

I discovered something vaguely amusing about Wellbutrin: the writing on the circular pills makes them look like little smiley faces. (I had to add a little bit of inanity and pointlessness in this post, you know. :))

There aren’t enough words in the English language to tell you guys how much your support means to me. I know this post is pretty flighty and ineloquent; I think it’s because I’m struggling to describe this sort of intangible sense of solace that I find in knowing that the world is full of wonderful and compassionate people like you… Do you know what amazes me? There are a bunch of you who have posted who I know are going through rough times of your own, and yet you don’t hesitate to reach out to someone else who’s in need of support. That’s so incredibly smashing. Again, guys, thank you for everything. I’ll be sure to keep you updated.

I was on that a couple of years ago, and I thought the exact same thing! That and the pills were such a pretty mauve color (the 150mg ones are anyway, IIRC the 100mg are a lovely sky-blue). Cute little purple (or blue) smiley faces, how could that not cheer you up?

I’m glad you’re feeling a little better, sweets.

Yadda, yadda, yadda.

What about something tangible? I’m still waiting for my hug, you know…

((((((((((((omni-not)))))))))))))) Happy? :smiley:

And, for everyone I missed the first time around…
(((((((MarxBoy, Totoro, Veb, Rasa, TroubleAgain, beth)))))

I’m so glad I’m not the only one who noticed that! I think more pills should look like what they’re supposed to do… On second thought, maybe that’s not the best idea – Viagra comes to mind.


Also, I got bolded and, judging from the number of brackets, I got a bigger hug than MarxBoy, Totoro, Veb, Rasa, TroubleAgain, and beth.

O.K., I’m happy.

My eyes.

Yeah. Really…yeah. That’s all I have to say.
Oh yes, and for Serendipity and all thos other nice, serioius people to ignore whatever I was raving about in my last post here.
I was a bit silly at the time.