"I'm left handed.."

at my last two jobs I was always known as the ‘computer guy’ it got so bad that I was actually shocked whenever I encountered anyone with even basic computer knowledge. I would be so relieved whenever I met anyone that knew things like X in the corner would shut the window down or how to drag a window to resize it.

Let’s all thank goodness that this troglodyte occupied a basement office!

For more tales of encounters with lusers, see TechTales

You know? I’m surprised that this person is left handed, all the lefties I know are extremely intelligent and WAY cool folks.

She must be a “bad” lefty.

Geez, just when I thought people couldn’t be any stupider.

I use my mouse in the right side; I don’t think I could change now if I wanted to. I also use scissors right handed and probably couldn’t use my left hand for that either.

Damn righties.

But no one ever told me about the meetings…

When I worked IT, my quickest job was in response to a user who complained that his MS-Word was acting up. It turns out he’d hit the SCROLL LOCK button by accident.

I didn’t get upset or anything, because SCROLL LOCK is a pretty uncommonly-used button anyway, I just liked the idea of a one-touch service call.
And I’m also left-handed, and the first rule of Left Club is don’t talk about Left Club.


Although I’m pretty good with computers, I’m not good with people, expressing emotion and generally just don’t get it socially. No matter how hard I try, I always fail with socializing. I can now understand why people continually fail with computers, they don’t get it. Lucky, they have classes for that problem.

Has anyone here ever been one a computer in a computer lab alongside a friend’s computer, then wanted to show the friend something on THEIR computer, and tried to move your pointer all the way from your computer to theirs?

I have…twice!

Yes – and it was asked by a brain-dead member of our IT department. Granted, she worked in the server room, but there wasn’t an ANY key on the server keyboards!

I am left handed and unable to use the mouse with my left hand…
merge, can you help me ?!

I dislike these people for another as yet unexpressed reason. I tend to be able to fix most of my minor computer problems and would only resort to calling for tech help when things are serisouly fubar.

Because the common dullards, I am forced to walk through the obligatory, “Did you reboot?” kinds of solutions before we can focus on the real problem.

I had a job last year as a transcriptionist in a doctor’s office.

My first day, everything was going fairly smoothly - and then they told me that to save time when typing letters and medical reports in Word, they had set up a number of macros. It was set up so addresses, big commonly used chunks of text, etc… could be brought up easily. And my supervisor gave me a list of things that needed to be added, and could I please add the new macros?

Well, fast-forward half an hour later and I’m just about going insane trying to figure out how their macro system works. I had made macros in the past, but only very simple ones. I figure that something must just be going completely over my head.

Then I look at the list of macros they already had on the computer - and there’s nary a Ctrl or Alt to be seen on the list! I’ll do a little experimenting…

Apparently they didn’t have any macros - they were just using the AutoCorrect feature in Word. If you type in “acl” it automatically changes to “anterior cruciate ligament”, if you type in “drjsmi” it brings up Dr. John Smith’s address. I have never heard anyone refer to this as a macro before.
Of course, I just discovered later that they’re completely technologically incompetent. Many things were set up to be way more difficult than they had to be. Of course, I changed a lot of stuff so it was easier, and I actually stayed around to work there for a year (and they had an insanely high turn-over rate). The small doctor’s office (one doctor) probably went through three office managers and 30 typists in less than a year (usually 6 or 7 typists were employed at any one time).