I'm making matzoh balls for the first time!

Wish me luck. With they be zinkers or schvimmers? Stay tuned…

And now I’m craving matzo ball soup - not always so easy to find in the deep South…

Mmmmm… had matzo ball soup yesterdays. Mmmmm…

I’m beat. Have to clean the kitchen now, set the table. Low and slow short ribs 4 hrs at 250 with mire-poix and various herbs, marsala, dried apricots and some figs; breaking down beautiful huge greenmarket chicken whose-life-has-been-a-joy running in open fields eating organic and doing yoga; stewing-hen in beautiful beef broth from, yesterday; more chicken for soup; chpped apples walnuts honey + a soupçon of Manishewitz; hard-boiled eggs; roasting peeling turnips, leeks, leeks, carrots, parsnips, fresh horseradish root. Halved little cherry tomatoes because gefilte fish on a plate, even with a touch of lettuce, looks like a white turd.

Also duck fat crispies (gribenes) for mashed potatoes. Sweet pea pods.

I’m beat. Next year in Jerusalem maybe.

Mods, you can close this thread.

Scratch that. Mrs. Bloom came home and put on her sad face. A wink is as good as a nod, so…