I'm Phat, Yeah baby

Tipsy (hmmm, cold medicine gooood)

Anyone care to join me for Nyquil shots later ?

Funnee, you been partying with the bovines again??
You crazy guy…
(raising her glass of Ny-Quill- “here’s to ya!”)

“If I had to live your life, I’d be begging to have someone pop out both my eyes. Just in case I came across a mirror.” - android209 (in the Pit)
Voted “Most Empathetic”- can you believe that?

your not getting my stash, so forget about it

We can do better than Nyquil funnee I’m sure.

I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.

I doubt it Ultress. That NyQuil is damn good shit! Next best thing to Jagermeister.

Actually dragged my butt over to The Autumn Cafe (Oneonta NY) for St P’s Day dinner and drink last night. My date was sick as well. Spread the germs is my motto. So if you were bar hopping in Oneonta last night, like a couple thousand other college drunks, and you get sick (other than the usual hangover) you know who to thank.

The first (and only) time I drank Jagermeister, my first thought was “This stuff tastes like cough syrup!”

You all claim to get a buzz off of Nyquil? The only thing that happens when I take it is that I lapse into a 12 hour coma, then wake up feeling like someone carpeted my tongue.


“The dead have risen, and they’re voting Republican!” - Bart Simpson