I came home this evening and decided to take a little nap at around 7pm.
<cut to>
Me waking up at 1:00am! I totally missed my Friday night!
And now when I should be :o ZzZzz, I am more like :eek:
I came home this evening and decided to take a little nap at around 7pm.
<cut to>
Me waking up at 1:00am! I totally missed my Friday night!
And now when I should be :o ZzZzz, I am more like :eek:
Sorry I feel your pain, not today but I have done that before. Now it will take three days to get you sleep schedule back. Best Idea start just chugging beers right now if your lucky you can get back to sleep by 4 and your night won’t be a total waste. Good Luck.
Well, I don’t have beers, but I do have some Godiva icecream!
Or Sleepytime tea.
Wow! TV really sucks at this hour!
Yes, but the Straight Dope boards are really great at this hour!
:: patiently waits for all the carousing, drunken Dopers to come home ::
hi! That’s me!
I did that on new years eve one time. The hollow feeling that I missed something stuck with me for months.
This is why I almost never take naps. I tend to end up sleeping for hours and waking up at an ungodly hour of the pre-dawn persuasion. Plus, I usually don’t wake up well, so if I do take a nap and the husband comes to wake me, I end up chewing his head off.
Hi LCC! Alaskans are still awake, it’s only 1130 here. Of course, there probably isn’t a real big following of the Dope here. But I have IM if you’re really bored.
I did pretty much the same thing. I watched a show on forensics on TLC and now I’m up. Maybe I’ll hit the chat.
Awww, thanks! That’s sweet.
But, I ended up reading some of my book “Natasha - the biography of Natalie Wood” (man, what an evil momma she had!), and now I’m sleepy all over again. Yay!
Nitey nite
(((-_-))) ZzZzZ
Hee hee, that’s good! (don’t worry, I’m not a psycho-girl web stalker, and even if I were, I live so far away!! :D)
Sht the hell up! I’m not drunk, God dammit! What the hell is wrong with you poeople, I just ewent to have a gooid time! I so don;yt have a peroblem! You don;t even know me!
Ok, just like six drinks…
Yippee! I didn’t screw up my internal clock! I’m up at the repectable hour of 7:30am.
Oh, and…how’s the ol’ head feeling this morning, Troy?
heh heh heh
7:30 AM is a respectable hour? OK i’m firing up the mower. See ya.
Yep, Lola, you’re screwed. Hate to say it, but you’ll never feel right again. You will spend the rest of your years wallowing in self pitty.
No really, everyone has this happen.
Been worse! …Should be careful at work, them slicers can be tricky, though…
Oh my for some reason that made me laugh really loudly.