I'm sitting here all alone,

and feeling a bit sorry about myself,
because Montfort is on his way home to Washington DC now.
It’s hard when someone have to go home like this,
it’s so far away.
I will though see him soon again.
I’m planning on going to Washington DC in January
and be there for a month.
I also hope I’ll see some of you then.:):slight_smile:

Everything was as I hoped it to be,
even better.:):slight_smile:
We had a lot of fun and he’s a great person.
I’ll end this with,
Thanks Montfort for the best week in my life so far.
Also thanks to everyone that made this place,
because without it,
I wouldn’t have met him.

Well, Anniz, I am so glad that the visit was all that you had hoped, and more. I am so happy for you both!

This seperation from Montfort is just bittersweet. You will be seeing him in a few months! All my best wishes for your continued happiness.

You seem to be doing just fine.
Beat my week all to heck. :confused: So, should I feel sorry for myself? Nah. I’m too upbeat for that.
Hope you’re upbeat soon too :wink:

I was on the plane flying home today, and I wondered what time he was leaving. I know it’s hard to say goodbye, but I’m glad the weekend went well for you both.

And yay! on you coming here in January! We’ll have to plan a Dopefest so you can meet a FEW more of us… :wink:

Poor Anniz!!
Not to worry, you’ll see him soon enough. Meanwhile, the relative proximity of the Internet and the telephone will have to suffice. I’m glad you two kids hit it off!

Aaawww, :: sniff ::

I know how ya feel Anniz. I think it’s great that everything worked out for you. I would hate to see your phone bills…


Awww - cheer up, you!

I’m glad for the two of you, though I’ll have to ditto on the phone bills.

S. Norman

Buck up Anniz, you have just met a wonderful man and had a week of pure bliss. Soon you will be doing the same again. What’s to complain about? Now that you have lots of spare time again, be a good Sweedie and wander over to my recipe thread and post a recipe for Fiske Frikadeller med Remoulade Sauce.

I’m glad you two had a wonderful week! After seeing that sig counter for so long, I have been curious as to how everything turned out.

Looking forward to meeting you both (and the rest of you Baltimorons/DC Dopers) in January. :slight_smile:

Wow, isn’t she great, everyone? And she’s mine all mine, too. :slight_smile:

I was very sad as she walked away from me in the terminal this morning, and now, sixteen hours later, I’m sitting back home at my desk and thinking about her.

I have to call my mom now, and unpack, and I probably should be getting to bed soon. After all, I’ve been up since 2am EST this morning…


Romeo… Romeo…


Thanks for sharing details of your visit with us, Montfort and Anniz. You didn’t have to, but you did. I’m happy to hear that you both had a good time, and are looking forward to having many more good times.

Well, this has been a public relationship from the start, so it would’ve felt weird not sharing some of the details (but not all of them, there are kids here. ;)).

I have five rolls of 35mm film to develop this week (and I plan to bring them to the next DC Lunch Bunch), but most of my digital pictures are online here, if anyone missed them in the other thread. Captions, etc., are coming soon. Let me unpack and get re-adjusted to Eastern Standard Time.

I miss you, Anniz (and Donald and the CM, too. :)).

Montfort -

You better bring those pictures to the dopefest on the 10th at my place too…since I can’t go to a lunch. :frowning:

Olycklig flicka! Men vara inte så ledsen; snart skall du åka hit till oss i Amerika och vi skall ge dig en varm välkommen.

Hey yo Montfort, why do that bed look all messy?? Does this have anything to do with it?

Thanks everyone for your nice thoughts.:):slight_smile:
And Falcon I would very much want to meet you,
you’re one of the coolest person on the board,
in my opinion.:):slight_smile:

Tack Olentzero,
det var väldigt rart sagt.
Jag ser framemot attt träffa dej.:):slight_smile:

So how many Dopers have actually married each other?

Jag också, käraste! Säg till Montfort att han skulle inte oroa - jag vill inte stjäla dig från honom. Jag är bara nöjd att tillämpa min svensk. :smiley: