I'm Sorry, But The SDMB Search Engine Sucketh

I was trying to find the thread “What are you reading”, and I tried every way I knew to get it to come up, but no go.

What am I doing wrong? I tried just “reading”, plus the whole phrase…



The SDMB search is very limited in functionality. Try Google:

“What are you reading” site:straightdope.com

Yes, a lot easier. However, it’s also why we get so many zombie threads popping up. Someone does a general Google search, comes across a thread about Beanie Babies or something that’s a decade old, and then thinks it’s the hot topic of day–so of course they have to post, to let us in on the truth regarding Beanie Babies.

I have this set as a bookmark in my toolbar so I can click on it and just add my search terms.

As do I… now!


For this particular search, I believe the thread is usually titled “Whatcha Reading,” not “What are you reading.”

Twicks, could you move it, please?



converted to include a popup for search terms:

javascript:void(location.href='https://www.google.com/?q=site:boards.straightdope.com#q=site:boards.straightdope.com '+prompt("Enter your search terms:"))

Just a FYI, but I found out that if someone is on your ignore list, you won’t be able to find any of their posts here (well if you are logged in that is of course).

Do you mean the monthly threads that Khadaji starts? The actual thread names start with Watcha Readin’. Try that.

You can use the advanced search form to limit your terms to thread titles only.

And of course, that should have been Whatcha Readin’, with an H after the W.

No probs, Sam!

I found it just fine! :slight_smile: