I'm thinking of changing my screen name

I think my screen name, Lillith Fair, is misleading. It is just a silly nickname for my dog. But it sounds kind of too clean or special for me, and also is the name of that women’s music thing.

I am a church organist, so I was thinking my new name could be ExpertOrganHandler. What do you think? Misleading?


Tulips on my organ are better than roses on your piano any day!

I dunno… are you really an “expert”? Maybe semiprofessional organ handler. :smiley:

I really, really think you should change it to Spatula Conspiracy. Trust me on this one.

How does one change one’s screen name? I sent an email to one of the mods requesting a change (or admins?) and didn’t get a reply.

Email to the Admins is the only way; it may be that you caught them at a busy time and just haven’t had a response yet.

I just changed mine a few days ago; so far it’s working out ok.

May I suggest:

Adolph Oliver Nipples
Anita Drink
Brutal E. Frank
Constance Noring
Doris Open
Doris Schutt
Dustin D. Furniture (no relation)
Emerson Bigguns

And many, many more from this site.

Unfortunately, Constance Noring would be appropriate for me.


You could go opposite and be Lillith Foul…