What screen name would you swap for?

I think FreakFreely has a cool ring to it.

Also **Krispy Original, X-Files, Devil In Disguise, Undead Dude, Fretful Porpentine.

Imthecowgodmoo **is pretty special.

**Duck Duck Goose ** is good.

Satan Squared seemed like the best derivative name, but I’d probably change it to Santa Squared to fit my style better.

I wouldn’t.

I like Byzantine.

Subtle evil.

It suits me.

Now tell me in twenty-five words or less why I shouldn’t kick your ass. Verbally, that is! :wink:

I want Bill. But some squatter owns it. No posts seem to exist for him. That’s just life sometimes.

I kinda liked Oat Willie, although I would have changed it to Oat Irving. And “loverock” was a good name, too.

Well, if I had to…Swimming Riddles; because Swiddles has rhythm, balance and I like the mental image.


I’d definitely just pick someone with a higher post count and save myself the time. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shouldn’t we be happy just being ourselves?


I wouldn’t swap for the world, all the other ones are way too hard to type when drunk.

I want just Jessica, but as with Bill H., some squatter has taken my name! I can’t even find any posts by said “Jessica”. I think she’s just a figment of. . . someone’s imagination.

Same here. I’d like just “flyboy,” but some guy who I’ve never seen post has it. There should be a rule, like if you don’t post in a year or two you lose your account.

I like my identity as it is. It is so me!

I would have loved to be the first one to come up with FireUnderpantsBoobs. But I wasn’t and even though that person has since changed their screen name, I wouldn’t take it - it would be too confusing.
If I ever changed my screen name to something new, I’d love for it to be Beanzilla.

One a dese days, Mjollnir, one a dese days…BANG! ZOOM! To da MOON!

I would like to be either Faltraz or , as Mangetout mentioned, Birefringence

Someone mentioned in a tread on the “Prisoner” that a good name would be “The New Number Two”. :smiley:

I’d probably steal Rue DeDay - simple, clever, funny.

I like ones that display as a funny variation of a real name, like
lolagranola I like the sound of it.

I also like lamafish and I have used it for other thing but I had to settle for lamafishing a few times b/c someone had it. I dont like that one as much but it made do.

I’ve mentioned somewhere before that I wish I’d thought of Xapno Mapcase when I registered. But I didn’t. Alas.

(It’s a reference to Harpo Marx’s autobiography, titled Harpo Speaks!.)

Jackelope’s a wonderfully nice name…