I'm thinking of Grabthar's Hammer

What kind was it? Framing, Claw, Rock, Chipping, Sledge? I like to think it was a 24 or 32 oz Ball Peen. What do the Teeming Millions think?

I would think War Hammer.

I never thought it was anything else.

All I can say about Grabthar’s Hammer is, “What a savings!”

The exclamation mark is inaccurate.


For some reason, I always interpreted it as some sort of symbol of his people, rather than an actual hammer.

Though apparently it was originally intended to be like Thor’s hammer:

Gordon: “By Grabthar’s Hammer” was a temp line. It was basically the Hammer of Thor, but Grabthar just sounded so silly. I kept meaning to change it, but around the production offices, they started to make t-shirts, it started to sink in a little bit.

Are we sure it isn’t a ham-mer? It could just be a giant hamhock

Or a sea of cured pork hindquarters.

I thought it was a philosophical term, sort of like Occam’s Razor. Being Galaxy Quest, I’m pretty sure it means something like, “We come in peace. Shoot to kill.”

I’d kind of thought it was a religious term, like David’s Sling.

I say it’s a deadblow hammer. Those things are so cool. I use mine a lot in woodworking. I think Grabthar must have built some really nice furniture.

I thought it was Grabthar’s junk. You know, his trouser titan.

I always thought it was a Hammer Of The Gods

I always assumed it was some sort of celestial body - a constellation, or a star cluster, or even a comet, a la Niven & Pournelle.

What kind of kickback did he get when someone did buy Grabthar’s hammer, anyway? Must have been a sweet endorsement deal.

That would be Captain Hammer.

It’s a cocktail. Similar to the Screaming Viking, IIRC.