Grrrr. This has been bugging me for a few days now. I have what I’m pretty sure is a wisdom tooth starting to poke out behind one of my molars. It hasn’t broken the skin yet, and it doesn’t hurt, but it’s been itching for days and it’s driving me nuts.
Add to that that that the idea of getting the damn things removed freaks me right the hell out, and it’s getting really friggin’ irritating.
I’m hoping that I’ll take after my father–one of his came in fine, the other three didn’t come in at all. In the meantime…anyone know where I can find an adult-sized teething ring?
Popsicle sticks. I cut my wisdom teeth in at about age 24 or so and I remember how irritating it was; you have my sympathy. I used popsicle sticks because they were long enough to reach all the way back there. That was a weird sensation - it felt painful and good at the same time to bite down on the stick and try to cut the tooth through.
All of mine came in and came in straight, though. I’m 51 now and I still have them all, despite dentists hinting once or twice and they’d like to get in there and yank them. I figure that if they’re not decaying, I’ll use them to chew, thankyouverymuch.
Yeah, there’s not a chance that mine will come in straight, when none of my other ones did (I’ve had dentists hint at wanting to give me braces, but unless it’s more than cosmetic I’d rather not go through the hassle).
I’ll try the popsicle sticks though. I’ve had a craving for popsicles anyways.