Images on my computer (XP question)


My sister emailed me a really cool picture of hurricane Isabell. I opened it from my Yahoo email account, and it opened in “Windows Picture and Fax veiwer”, which I do not recall ever using before. So I’m checking out the picture, and I notice on the bottom there are left and right arrows, so I click on one of them, and I get a new image. The first appears to be a button that say’s enter, but then the next few are, ahem, photos of a mature nature from web sites that I have recently visited. Now, I’m no sicko or anything, but I have gone to porn sites from time to time, and apparently, some of these images are on my hard drive or otherwise accessable from the Widows Picture and Fax veiwer. I cleared out my history on IE, and I deleted all temporary internet files, but they still come up. The odd thing is, I went back and looked again, and I got different images, and some of the same images in a different order.

My concern is that my 12 year old son occasionally uses my email account, as does my wife, and I can just see either of them opening an emailed photo, and clicking on arrows. It would not be pretty.

Anybody know how I can get rid of these images?


BTW, I’m using IE6.0

      • It’s a WindowsXP thing, not an IE thing. XP has its own fancy “image viewer” that it tries to default to. I uninstalled mine (went back to Win98, happily) but you could try a program that wipes the image files instead of just doing a regular delete. Eraser is one open source/freeware one:

:stuck_out_tongue: I know it’s not funny, but I’ve dealt with this on more than one occassion. One of my clients was positive someone had been on his computer.

It’s your temp files. Believe it or not.
I use

Window Washer, but I’m sure there are plenty of other programs that will do the same.