Imagine 4/11

I’ve been hearing Lennons “Imagine” sung as a tribute to the WTC victims by someone with a rather unique voice that I don’t recognize. Kind of high and squeaky. And male, I think. :slight_smile:
Can anyone tell me who it is?

I saw Kevin Spacey singing that song on tv for WTC concert I think. Yes the actor. Maybe it’s him.

If I’m wrong does anyone know what song he did sing? Because I did see him singing. and he was very good.

Lots of talent in that guy.


Didn’t Neil Young record a cover of Imagine for the WTC victims? Is that the version you’re hearing, mangeorge?

I actually saw that part of the televised benefit and it was definitely Neil Young, because I remember thinking, “He’s still alive?”


Could have been. But if so, he’s playing with his voice.
Did his voice sound high and thin? And crack a little?
And of course he’s still alive. :smiley: And touring once in a while, I think.

I know it was Neil Young because I remember thinking “Wow…he should change his name to Neil Old.”

Thank you, that is all.

Am I like, totally clueless here, or what? Why is the title Imagine 4/11? Is this a typo of 9/11? Huh?

[sub]I’m probably being really stupid, in which case someone better hold my hand crossing the street, cause mumble mumble mumble[/sub]

Sorry, NaSultainne, maybe the subject was a little confusing. Someone, seemingly Neil Not-So-Young, recorded a version of Lennons song Imagine in honor of the victims of the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01.
John Lennon, of the Beatles. In case you’re too young to have heard of him. :wink:
Here, give me your hand, I’ll help you accross.

Kevin Spacey sang the song “mind games”

Ok, I got that part… I’m confused as to the 4…

Oops. :o