Imbecilic Olympic, "controversy."

As seen in this thread?

Fuckwits squared


It is bizarre. I worship the ultimate most powerful, ineffable, infallible being in the universe, and therefore, I am required to completely lose my shit if I think someone said or did something that might slightly insult him.

Fuckwitism is definitely a geometric progression.


The ways of our times, isn’t it?

Because we are very prosperous, with (up until recently thank you SCotUS) a pretty strong rule of law, and a strong enough military to keep it safe. Unfortunately this might and prosperity has also made some of us arrogant SOBs who think we know better than the rest of the world, and need to have biases, predjudices and prudities catered to at every turn.

The only thing that might possibly be worse is getting outraged by people getting outraged at someone else’s outrage.

I have been reading a comic strip about tabletop gaming called Knights of the Dinner Table since the late 90s (I even used to be online friends with the creator’s wife in a different forum) and almost every panel used this trope. The strip was about a group of players at a table, usually 5 total people (one game master and 4 players) and they all sat on one side so that you could see them all at once in a panel.

I guarantee you there was zero attempt to reference the Last Supper, either through mockery or otherwise. It’s just the easiest way to show multiple people gathered at a table, and Da Vinci didn’t invent it.

For those with more refined tastes, “Dogs Playing Poker” demonstrates the concept

It doesn’t, actually. Two of the dogs are seated with their backs to the viewer.

Yeah…it depends on which version. Apparently there are several. Humor fail :man_shrugging:

“Why do you think the same five dogs make it to the final ring of the the Westminster Dog Show EVERY YEAR? What, are they the luckiest dogs in Madison Square Garden? It’s a skill game!”


Well, he is an asshole. You don’t want to be anywhere near some smiting that might occur if he gets wrathful.

Well, I challenge the oh so mighty guy (and all the million other made up gods): don’t let your followers get their knickers in a twist when I blaspheme, smite me instead! So far, nothing has happened, and I blasphemed a lot.

How dare you.

How many levels deep is the outrage now, it’s hard to keep up!

It’s shaking fists all the way down!

I’m offended that you aren’t adequately offended about how I’m not sufficiently offended.


If I remove your butt will you be off-ended?

I’ve tried that on people. They’re often dead.