IMDb search button says...?

Shiira (another WebKit browser for the Mac) also renders it as “Sul”.

Hmm, I seem to have lied. “Transparent” is a standard value for the CSS background-color property, and has been since CSS1.

The value appears in this block of code in the stylesheet:

#nb15search #nb15go { 
  background: transparent url(go.gif) no-repeat center top;
  width: 31px;
  height: 17px;
  margin: 0px;
  margin-left: 2px;
  border: 0px;
  cursor: pointer;
  cursor: hand;

All the resizing properties are getting applied, so it’s not a problem finding the element. I thought it might not be retrieving the image because the name is not in quotes (spme browsers want to see that) but it’s retrieving other images listed the same way just fine.

I hold a BSCS and am in the middle of gaining my Master’s in Software Engineering, so the official diagnosis, the one I’d report to a supervisor, would be:

“Safari’s just being stupid.”