Improving America

Okay, stand back, here goes:

  1. Enact a law compelling the state in all actions involving individual citizens, to treat with those citizens as individuals, and not as a representative member of some larger group.

  2. Congress shall propose laws in each session; these laws will be put before the people in the form of a referendum with unambiguously worded propositions. The referendum would appear as the last page of any IRS tax return form.
    2a) Proposed appropriations would be provided with each tax form; the taxpayer would indicate with a number from 1-100 what percent of his taxes he wishes to go to each appropriation. (Persons submitting forms with numbers totalling above 100 would be ignored.)

  3. Begin a public works program of a national system of pipelines for fresh water distribution from areas of surplus to areas of drought.

  4. Begin the reform of public education as I outlined it under the “fixing public education” thread.

  5. Revive the legal concept of the outlaw. Dispense with the death penalty.

  6. Institute corporate capital punishment for companies whose management are found to have wilfully engaged in a pattern of behavior detrimental to society, which they knew or should have known. Redistribute all preferred stock to the employees of the company.

So, APB9999, all people wishing to go to college would have to pay a tax (payable in their time) before getting an education?

Yikes! Why not just force people to work for the collective good of the state by conscripting theiior time. YOu could create squads to round up people and take them to special …what could we call them? Labor Camps? to work for the good of society.

I like it. My street needs fixing. ANd we have too damn much freedom as it is :wink:

All typos are typos, all misspellings are typos and all grammatical errors be also typos.