Okay, I’ve done it. I started a web page. It is a photo album only, and at the moment not complete nor very current, as we do not have a digital camera yet.
However, there are pics from my wedding last year, and of the kids, so if anyone is interested…
KimKatt’s Web Page
Oh, and you can ignore the adult warning. Put it there just in case. It’s strictly G-rated at the moment
The pictures are great, and your soccer kids are really cute. They seem so pleased/proud. Did they just win a game?
It does raise the old question: What’s a nice dame like you doing in a place like this? You should be outside right now! Smack that old soccerball yourself.
Have fun posting more pictures, though.
at the moment huh?
should we expect a webcam soon as well?
So when is the hardcore porn going up on the site? I cant hardly wait!!
NO webcam or porno from me. Sorry to disappoint, folks :).
I am, however, planning to put up pictures of my tattoos. And while they are all in locations that Walmart wouldn’t hesitate to develop, I know too many folks who are freaky about them, so I put it as adult to be on the safe side.
And then there’s my hubby… Lord knows what he will upload.