In defence of Russia

Even if it is legitimate breaking news? Not the officially allowed jokey, snarky, sarcastic, drivel?
Said from the pit.

You will not post in those threads.

No exceptions. Suspensions will follow if you do.

What about when folks copy a post over to another thread? Is that a double post?

You’ve been instructed, have fun but stay out of that thread.

It is not fun to me to watch this war and contemplate it’s possible outcomes. Or it’s ongoing death and destruction. People in the threads I am/will be banned from seem to have a lot of laughs about it. Guess the BBQ pit might be the only serious place for this.

Congratulations, you succeeded in your goal spectacularly. I couldn’t make it past the second paragraph of your tl;dr masterpiece due to the amount of propaganda horseshit. “Mostly entered via the Donbas areas that were ready to welcome them in” - are you channeling your inner Baghdad Bob or is that the verbiage you were told to use at the Russia bot farm?

What a fucking troll

The Donbas areas had been fighting the Ukraine military since 2014. Asking for help from Russia all the time. Getting some help from Russia. But Russia kept hoping the Minsk accords would actually be enforced. They were not.

Russia: “Surrender and give us control of your country or we’ll keep raping and killing your people.”

Ukraine: “Fuck you, get out.”

Russia and Kedikat, whining: “Why won’t Ukraine nego-o-o-o tiate …”

Go fuck yourself.

The idea that Russia just needs more manpower or more gear is a joke. This war has revealed the deep, deep rot in both Russian society and the Russian military – it’s riddled with corruption, to the point that not a single institution appears capable of reacting to real world circumstances. This starts at the top – those close to Putin are afraid to give him bad news, as well as being afraid of jeopardizing their own personal wealth and benefits accrued due to being close to Putin. And this assuredly continues at every level – everyone is afraid to tell the truth, and afraid to put in danger the money they’ve made from selling equipment and favors. It means that missing gear isn’t reported, missing men aren’t reported, etc. Nothing can function well in this kind of kleptocracy. And nothing will change with Russia’s military performance until the entire system is broken down and built up again.

Russia can’t win this war. All they can do (and pretty much all they’ve done since the first few weeks) is cause death and destruction with no military purpose.

Russian troops invaded the Donbass in 2014. The Donbass war was largely Ukraine versus Russia.

Everything you’ve been told justifying Russia’s actions are lies. Seriously; it’s lies top to bottom.

Yes, they certainly do, if the “sources” are spewing propaganda for suckers to read and believe.

You mean the accords that Russia repeatedly violated? Like hundreds if not thousands of times? Yeah, too bad someone didn’t stop Russia from being a bunch of colossal douche canoes. Russia continues to be the biggest douchebag country in the world. NK looks on longingly…

Have you actually READ the Minsk Protocol agreements, or even a reasonable summary thereof?

The first agreement, for example, provided that foreign fighters and armed groups, including their equipment, would be withdrawn from the Donbas. When did Russia do this? What steps did Russia take to enforce this? Soldiers and equipment flowed freely across the Russian border into Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts; what concrete steps did Russia take to halt this traffic?

Answer: None. It wasn’t in Russia’s interests to dial back the DPR/LPR separatists, so Russia did nothing to dial them back. Other signatories were supposed to enforce their parts, not Russia.


‘It’s OK if a Republican Russian does it.’

Speaking of agreements that Russia has repeatedly violated, there’s also the 1994 Budapest Memorandum under which Ukraine handed over its share of the former Soviet nuclear arsenal to Russia with stipulations such that

  1. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, to respect the independence and sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine.

  2. The Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America reaffirm their obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Ukraine, and that none of their weapons will ever be used against Ukraine except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

Putin, of course, has just wiped his ass with that memorandum as well.

That can be enough though. Putin can afford to continue this for 2 more years til a regime change in the US makes some pro-Russian settlement possible.

I don’t think he can, though. I think he’s blowing up as much as his military is capable of right now, aside from using WMDs, and this capability will continue to decline. And at the same time, Ukraine will continue to regain territory.

Insurgents can do a lot of damage cheaply. Putin has already ‘secured’ the four provinces it recognized, I know that doesn’t mean much to the rest of the world but all he has to do is keep it contested for bargaining chips at the table when peace and Crimea and probably a few of the other provinces are decided.

A GOP lead US government handing Putin this in two years is no pipe dream. IF the election goes that way, that is.

Thank you. I am beyond sick and tired of this troll.