In order to make myself more popular

I have decided to emulate the behaviour of House. I am constantly unshaved. I wear a suit jacket with jeans. I walk around with a limp carrying a walking stick. I am sarcastic and cruel at every opportunity. However I am not a doctor and don’t work in a hospital so I don’t have access to unlimited supplies of Vicodin. I have substituted Tic Tacs thrown back in the Housian manner.

Does this destroy the verisimilitude of my behaviour?

What other character would be a better choice?

You’re doing this to be popular? How popular is House? Well, at least you’ve got nice-smelling breath from the Tic-Tacs.

Maybe Popeye? Everyone loves a disfigured sailor who speaks gibberish to himself and gets into fights all the time. :smiley:

don’t ask, the House thing is workin’ for me. I’d stick with it.

What does “verisimilitude” mean?

Have you considered the lead dude from 24?

I mean you can run everywhere and point guns at people and give threatening ultimatums and never sleep. Pretend that the world hangs in the balance on your every action and demand that your friends and accomplices do the impossible in under two minutes.

Alas, you’ll have to give up any and all sense of humour and light hearted banter in all conversations.

House’s clothes are great…but he’s an ass. (But yes I love the show).

House is played by Hugh Laurie a man who has perfected the ability to look like he just needs a little help and everything will be fine. He could probably get help fixing a flat tyre from Fred Phelps and Quentin Crisp both at the same time. People just want to help the guy.

So if the OP can’t pull off the ocasional puppy-dog eyes trick, and slightly lost mannerism he may have trouble. Perhapse the OP could add a parot on his left shoulder, an eye patch and a pirate hat?

You could try Wilson. Go round telling people very sympathetically that they’re going to die within a year?

Meanwhile with the House thing, have you got verisimilitude on the face-pulling?

Have you not noticed the number of times people have decked House?