In Pink Floyd's The Wall

There’s a very angry person screamin gin the background. So far what I think he says is this:

If you don’t eat your meat you can’t have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don’t eaat your meat!!!
If the guy is really saying this why is he saying this, who is that guy? If thats not what he’s saying what IS he saying?

He’s an authority figure.

Didn’t your parents ever tell you “no dessert unless you finish your dinner”?

Check out the video for “Another Brick in the Wall” which is also featured in the film The Wall.

The film ‘The Wall’ is a narrative of a life that leads up to some traumatic changes. The voice yelling is that of The Schoolmaster, who is a sadistic authoritarian figure in ‘Pink’s’ life.

I think that in England, pudding is a generic term used for dessert. Can anybody correct me there?

It’s used for a variety of things, but in the context of the quotation we’re discussing, yes you’re right.

You! Yes, you behind the bikesheds(?), stand still laddy!