I just read another post by David Simmons, as happens frequently on these boards. I’ve often noticed his insight and wit. I’ve met Mr. Simmons on a couple of occasions (La Brea Tar Pits and Ye Old King’s Head Dopefests), and he’s good to have around. As a pilot and history buff, I appreciate his insight gained from actually “being there and doing that” as aircrew in a bomber in WWII.
Here’s to you, David Simmons! (Now where’s that :beer smiley like they have on G’Dope?)
I can respect him for his life and his part in history, sure. Then again, there are plenty of blokes his age for whom I can do likewise. Naah, not that I don’t respect those things, but in Dave’s case, I’m happy to respect him for what he represents - and that is the spirit of the SDMB as it was a few years ago. David Simmons keeps that alive. No Pit threads, no angst, no showing off. Just rock solid knowhow and accessible expertise on a range of subjects. Cecil would be proud.
I was thinking about him while watching the memorial inauguration today and trying to imagine the thoughts that must have been going throug his head. Then I realized he out-thinks me on gum. Why should I portend to surmise that what’s streaming through his head on what’s likely the most defining event of his generation would be any different?
I’m a fan, David. You mean more to more than a few of us that you’ll ever know.
Wow, I’m sorry that I’ve never taken particular notice of David Simmons before but from the looks of this thread I really should be, and I plan on doing just that.
What do you guys mean about his part in history? I’m guessing he was in WWII?
I have to say, as a completely hetero young guy I (non-sexually) love old men. I think it is because I loved my mom’s dad so much and he looked old as far back as I can remember. I apologize if that came out sounding really really weird or offensive but it’s hard to put something like that into words.
Judging from your pic and what’s been said in this thread, you look like someone I would really enjoy sitting down and talking to David. I love WWII history and I am in absolute awe and humbled with total respect for the men that fought in that war.
::crossing my fingers hoping this whole post doesn’t sound weird::
I liked the Mall as it was after they finally got rid of the Navy, Munitions and W buildings. Just a long green lawn from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capital with the Washington Monument in the center.
Yean I know, there is the Vietnam Memorial but it is quite unobtrusive.
[crabby hat on] I would rather that special days and ostentatious memorials be omitted and the money spent on things like the Memorial be used to help troubled vets day in and day out. A recent Los Angeles Times story said that 20% of the homeless there are veterans of one sort or another.[/crabby hat off]
Yup. Wilma’s brother and sister-in-law were out from Wisconsin for a visit late in Aprile and we had dinner at a steak house for their 48th and our 60th. recent photo The lineup is Gary, Connie, Wilma, Me.
You must have missed the time I confused the center of buoyancy with the metacenter in the matter of ship stability. And the time I elegantly derived the wrong anwer when I forgot to put in the square of the radius in the moment of inertia. Fortunately all of those posts disappead in the board crash. That’s called “plausable deniability.”
Martin B-26. Then Douglas A-26 after ETO war ended. We were due to go to the Pacific using them but escaped that by you-know-how.