Had a lovely day planned yesterday. Out with my wife to see a movie, then get sandwiches from our favourite deli for dinner. Had the weekend car out and it was freshly washed. New shoes on my feet. Nothing but blue skies above.
Rolling into the parking lot I see a mom towing her 3 year old by the hand to their car. I’m not in a rush with 40 minutes before the movie starts and the seating already reserved. So I come to a stop while they saunter past. Then just as they are almost past my direct line of sight, the little girl turns to us and stick her tongue out at me, FOR NO FUCKING REASON! :mad:
Being the mature grown man that I am, I wasn’t about to let the little hooligan get away with it. So I roll down my window and stick my tongue out right back at her as I slowly pull away. Would have given her mother the finger too if she’d been looking in my direction.
Fucking little shit. Unbelievable.
The youth of today, eh?
The whole country’s going to the dogs.
In my day, kids respected their elders.
Etc, etc.
Shame on you, QuickSilver, now she thinks it’s a game. The correct response would have been to put the car in park (right there in the middle of the lane), get out, go to the trunk, get those big pliers out of toolbox & proceed to do a tonguectomy right there.
Since you failed to do that, she’s liable to stick her tongue out at me. :mad:
No, the right thing to do would’ve been to give the kid the finger. She needs to learn adult means of vehicular disapproval.
This is precisely why you should have a loaded Super Soaker in the car at all times!
That reminds me. I think most human beings lose consciousness at or around 3 and never really wake up. Kid was on to you, something which you don’t even recognize. Most likely you deserved a full on razzberry for it but she had more pressing business with her mother.
Non-sense. Children and animals love me. Not until they reach the age of 20 or so, but most come around.