In which one oF my traiNees inadvertantly inspires fear thrOughout the heartlanD

One of our duties down here in Dispatcher’s Hell is using the computer to send messages to other agencies’s printers. For example, if I have a shooting in my county, or an Amber alert or something, I can simultaneously notify any and all other agencies in the country using the administrative message function. We can communicate with the FBI, INS, you name it, so we’re supposed to be all professional and grammatical whenever we use it.

About six months ago I made up a message relay cheat sheet for the new guy, something silly about rising up for the revolution and Cthulhu would bring us victory. And the very last line, just before keying in the end message command, was a single word.

As Og is my witness, I thought he knew the fnord was just part of my silly message and not a required field like the EOMR.

Tonight I found out I was wrong.

I wonder if anyone over in Quality Control has ever bothered to look it up. :smiley:

Fnord indeed!


You forgot to capitalize the R in heartland. Still, that story really warms my heart. :smiley:

Yeah, well, um, I didn’t want to inspire total fear. Just 4/5 fear. Yeah, that’s it.

Broomstick, here it is from the Master.

Moooove on, people. Nothing to see here. If you would please look at this little red light…


[sub]I feel anxious…[/sub]

Now he realizes what he did…he’s sworn to keep doing it, on the grounds that it’s hilarious that he’s been doing this for 6 solid months and not one single person has noticed. I don’t have the heart to tell him no.

I told the story to my best friend/fellow dispatcher when she came in this morning. She jokingly said, “See, maybe you’re not as good a trainer as everybody thinks!”
I replied, “My trainees go on to inspire fear throughout the state! Do yours do that?” She admitted they don’t. I win. ;j


Originally posted by Kythereia
