In your humble opinion, which hard drive is best?

I know nothing about hard drives, but do know that the one I’m using is 99% occupied (thanks Napster). I’m gonna get a new one in the next short while but don’t trust any of the salespeople I’ve dealt with. I think they just get kick-backs or higher commissions on certain brands.

So, assuming I want a 20 gig drive, maybe 7200 rpm or so, with a nice fat cache (~2mB), what would you choose? Maxtor? Quantum? Something else?


I’ve installed about half a dozen Western Digitals without a problem and they seem to be quite reliable.

Western Digitals are also a lot more expensive than most HDDs. I have two Maxtor hard drives, and I haven’t had a single problem with them. They’re inexpensive, too! They always get the Hot Buy deals at Fry’s Electronics (The computer nerd paradise).

Personally, I have two Maxtors and have had problems with both of them. One of them, a 26 gig, is unusable on the ATA-66 chain, as it won’t transfer data correctly - it’ll often freeze the system if you try copying files on/off of it - it won’t defrag, and running programs off of it is a joke. On the ATA-33 chain, however, it works fine.

My other, a 36 works fairly well on the ATA-66 chain. I only run into problems when I need to copy large chunks of data (few hundred megs) off of it, which means that I can’t burn CDs from the data that’s on it, but other than that - and a couple random game crashes due to HD problems (so says the BSOD), it works fine.

Then again, these are their lower-end 5400 RPM models and not their 7200 DiamondMax Plus models. Those might be better. My CS friends and I swear by IBM drives like there is no tomorrow. My new 60 GB IBM Drive (one of the new 75 GXP series, obviously) should be here on Tuesday or Wednesday, so I’ll let you know how that runs, if you like.

Western Digital.
Avoid something called “Fireball” or “Comet” or whatever like the plague.

Actually I have a Quantum Fireball and have had zero trouble with it, have no idea what carnivorusplant is talking about. The harddrives are pretty much all the same now so you wouldn’t make a bad choice if you pick any of the larger manufacturers. Having said that my next HD will be a IBM 75GXP 30 meg. ATA-100, 7200RPM don’t know the cache but I think 2 meg.

I’m glad you have had no problems. I had two fail and I’ve heard others complain.

Thanks for your comments.

I’ve spent a lot of time today searching out reviews, comparing prices etc. By and large, Juggler’s point on how they are all pretty much the same nowadays seems to be right on.

Because of a local mail-in rebate offer, the MAXTOR 30 GB, is probably gonna be my choice. It also has a nice three year all inclusive warranty.

I’ve got 3 computers in my household and all four Hard drives are Western Digital and have had no problem with any of them. Can’t speak for any other brands.

I have actually had problems with WD lately. Seagate as well. Right now I go with Maxtor. Every company seems to have good years and bad years. I used to love IBM drives, but about a year ago they started coming DOA. So far about 12 Maxtors(between me and my friends) with no problems.

Western Digital

if you are tight for cash, Samsung makes an ok disk …