If you had a chance to come back after death as an inanimate object, What would you be, where would you be located and why?
Have fun with this one Satan… After reading your “You want to put that thing where” thread I know your answer won’t disappoint.
“Only when he no longer knows what he is doing, does the painter do good
things.” --Edgar Degas
Umm, I’d come back as the Civil War Monument on East Rock in New Haven, Connecticut.
I always liked the view from up there.
I’d be a really expensive, high-quality guitar. Preferably acoustic-electric. Of a brand that Pete Townsend never buys.
Nothing I write about any person or group should be applied to a larger group.
Guess I should answer this one… I would be the marble that Michalango sculpted the statue of David with… Ahhhh to be one with that body…sighs
“Only when he no longer knows what he is doing, does the painter do good
things.” --Edgar Degas
Earth. Or does rotating around the sun make something animate ?
“You know how complex women are”
October 28, 1999, 12:23am
Definitely not a 2"x6"x12" concrete slab. Too dangerous.
October 28, 1999, 7:32am
What was it that Jessie Ventura said on the subject?
Yeah, that…
Yer pal,
October 28, 1999, 8:14am
A vibrator. Or a bra, preferably no bigger than B36.
An inanimate vibrator ?? How boring !
And a contradictio in terminis, for that matter…
“You know how complex women are”
I’m gonna need to go with the lowest common denomonator on this one. I’d be a pair of thong panties, again no bigger than a medium. The last thing I want is to end up pinched between Rosie O’Donnells asscheeks, or even worse some hairy guy that SqrlCub knows. I’d consider a vibrator, but with couples like Heatherlee and Satan around that may be a bit dangerous.