In this thread, our dear Eve is complaining about the media pablum offered for the holidays and I offered her a solution in post # 94.
Now it seems that it started a hijack. First gobear suggested two other movies to watch, then Anne Neville made her suggestion and now The Punkyova added her.
Rather than continuing hijacking Eve’s thread, I decided to open up one in the proper forum. So what would you suggest as highly inappropriate Christmas Eve movies ? Keep in mind that I have already done that on previous year and among them :[ul]
[li]The Die Hard trilogy[/li][li]the Alien tetralogy[/li][li]the Evil Dead trilogy[/li][li]A Vietnam special Platoon, Hamburger Hill, Apocalypse Now[/li][/ul]
So what other inappropriate movies would you recommend ?
Das Boot is always a “pick-me-up” for the Yule-tide. Or put the last 20 minutes of Requiem for a Dream on a repeating loop, with festive music dubbed over on the old BetaMax and let it entertain the troops. Watch the “Jellied Eels” disappear!
What can be more heart-warming and, in this time of holy nights, more spreadful of the joy of human love than popping in the VCR your favorite porn tape? Use the home-made one from last year’s Christmas eve.
Well I have replaced It’s a Wonderful Life with Bad Santa and I’m sure I am right. When the DVD comes out in Australia I will get a screen capture of drunken Santa vomitting in the alley. It will be my Christmas card for many years to come.
A few years ago, Independent Film Channel had a “Christmas with Cronenberg” festival. A random pick of any of his movies is horribly inappropriate.
On the other hand, Lynch’s ERASERHEAD is horribly ironically appropriate for Christmas- there is a whole “Babe in Swaddling Clothes” imagery that I can’t help but see a deliberate. :eek:
Oh, I disagree! These are fantastic Christmas time movies, since the first two take place on Christmas Eve. They usually appear on USA/TNT/etc. around this time. They’re violent, but they’re fun.
I’m going to add **Gummo ** to the list. Mainly, because there are few lists you can actually add that “movie” to.