Increased Penalties for Disproportionate Vehicular Endangerment

Tailgate a compact car in your SUV and watch the fines double or triple.

Tailgate a motorcycle in your compact car and watch the penalties soar.

Tailgate a SUV with your semi truck or bus and prepare to pay big bucks.

It’s time for more active enforcement and harsher sanctions against those who deliberately endanger others on the roadways. Tailgating has reached epidemic proportions and represents an entirely needless risk of human life. The continuing trend towards increased vehicular size, weight and horsepower (read SUV) mandates a narrowing of the law concerning their operation. The huge inequity of risk for those hit by a SUV while driving a compact automobile makes this vital.

The previous scenario is not the only example of disproportionate risk. Regular cars tailgating motorcyclists or bicyclists also represent an equally egregious violation of the law. Similarly, trucks, buses and other high-load vehicles should face the same increased penalties for tailgating passenger cars. Fortunately, large commercial vehicles are usually operated by professionals whose entire livelihood depends upon a clean driving record. They are much less likely to commit such breaches of safety on the road.

The same cannot be said for a significant portion of SUV drivers. Given a vehicle that is specifically designed to operate like an ordinary car while possessing the gross weight and bumper height of a truck, many people continue to drive as if they are in a sedan. The intense negligence and lack of social cohesion demonstrated by such conduct merits equally intense penalties for those unwilling to make proper allowances for correct following distance.

In the last decade, operating a motor vehicle on an urban freeway has become nothing short of perilous. People inconsiderately follow other cars at high speed with only a meter separating their bumpers. Such callous disregard for safety is a significant threat to public well being and needs to treated as such. While tailgating has been a fairly common moving violation throughout the history of driving, the SUV specifically has changed all of that. It is now possible for an average driver to pilot a multi-ton transport without the usual limitations of performance, handling and acceleration so common to high gross weight vehicles.

Detroit has carefully bred these inadequacies out of the current SUV designs. There has been absolutely no commensurate effort on the part of industry to educate these same drivers about the increased risk that improper operation represents to the driving public. One of the only safety campaigns initiated by automakers related to this class of vehicle merely has dealt with the risk of rollover. This is strictly protection of their consumer market segment and has little to do with the increased threat to others on the road.

Tailgaters have another equally profound effect upon other drivers. Though not as heinous as the willful and unnecessary endangerment of human life, it is just as detrimental to existence. People who are unwilling to follow at the correct distance rarely allow another car to merge in front of them. This intrinsically compressed gap between vehicles utterly forbids a smooth merge for anyone else. While forcing their way past a merging vehicle, these road hogs often cause other drivers to abruptly brake or needlessly slow down. Such sudden speed changes, even by only a very few drivers, have been shown to cause many freeway commute traffic jams. The inability to fluidly merge into and out of traffic easily stands as one of the greatest single contributing factors to freeway traffic. Tailgaters are among the most uncooperative of all drivers and therefore one of the greatest causes of commute traffic.

It is impossible to overstate the profoundly deleterious effects of traffic gridlock upon commuters, society and the environment. The amount of quality time people lose, stalled in traffic instead of being at home contributes to premature disintegration of the family nucleus and relationships in general. The amount of workplace productivity lost and critical appointments missed caused by needless road congestion is incalculable. The direct costs of medical treatment for emotional stress pale in comparison to the pulmonary damage of pollution and collision injuries promoted by heavy traffic.

Even more insidious is how stop and go traffic forces internal combustion engines to operate in their least efficient mode. This causes megatons of extra pollution to be released worldwide on an almost daily basis. The additional mechanical wear and tear on vehicles alone (disregarding surplus emissions) represents millions, if not a billion dollars of needless depreciation in value each day. Gyrate this into the premature failure of a product so resource intensive as automotive transportation and the cost to our planet and its people assumes staggering proportions.

While it is convenient to point out how vividly this issue argues in favor of mass transportation, that is not salient to this debate. However vital comprehensive urban mass transit might be, it is a long way off, nonetheless. The issue at hand is that our current resources must be husbanded as best we can. Allowing a small portion of drivers to endanger lives, congest roadbeds not to mention degrade both the quality of life and environment as a whole is entirely impermissible.

Stark proof of this fact stands in the metering lights regulating so many commute onramps. During most of their operation they serve a single function; to facilitate merging into the flow of traffic. Only a small fraction of their time on duty is devoted to the more critical service of restricting traffic influx onto freeways during peak periods. For proof, observe how frequently a dual lane onramp’s metering lights cycle at maximum speed instead of with a truly noticeable delay. Only at peak hours do the most congested areas have significant wait times to enter the roadway. Otherwise, these metering lights are merely regulating the ease of merging into traffic.

The seemingly minor discourtesy of tailgating demonstrates, in fact, an enormous lack of social cohesion. It is the automotive equivalent of queue jumping and nothing less than a flagrant disregard for the rights and safety of others. Compound the price of this antisocial conduct with huge cost increase for medical treatment of accident victims involved in disproportionate vehicle size collisions. Ever-increasing gross vehicular weight further augments the incidence of death or severe injury arising from an accident and the equally magnified monetary expense of hospital ICU and critical care. Multiply all of this by increased resource consumption, intensified pollution, not to mention the exacerbation of road rage and an alarming picture emerges. Finally, examine the lost police hours devoted to filing avoidable accident reports instead of pursuing more important law enforcement duties. Tailgating is neither minor discourtesy nor low level social malaise. It is a critical departure from civilized behavior and tantamount to criminal conduct. It is time to treat it as such and make it an expensive habit to have.

The day has now come for State highway patrols to vigorously enforce tailgating laws across the board, for all types of vehicles. Elevated penalties will have to substitute in the absence of special driver training classes whose successful completion is required to operate a SUV. Similar classes may be needed for pickup trucks and recreational vehicles as well. The ability to afford one of these larger vehicles in no way confers any increased skill of operation. Yet, the ever decreasing safety levels caused by these vehicles goes unchecked. Hefty fines would at least help finance the extra law enforcement officers needed to pursue these reckless individuals. After a few $500 tickets for endangering drivers of smaller vehicles the need for maintaining correct following distance might begin to sink in. Wreckless beats reckless coming and going.


I admit that I get a bit miffed when someone tailgates me. Do you have any evidence that tailgating has reached “epidemic” proportions?


So how come you don’t bitch about trucks as well?


I really love that phrase, social cohesion. Did your friends at the commune come up with that one?


Do you have any evidence that the number of accidents or fatalities on American roads have gone up over the past decade?


Tailgating is annoying, I’ll grant you that. It isn’t really all that high on my list of things that are detrimental to existence.


There’s those words again, social cohesion.


Driving an SUV or a pickup truck is no more difficult then driving a mid-sized sedan. At least that’s what I’ve learned from personal experience.

I have to admit it is nice to see an anti-SUV rant disguised as an attack against tailgating.


Finding evidence we can actually link to for a cite might be tough. But MGibson, I don’t know where you live and what types of roads you drive on, but I do know this: when I’m on the freeway here in Southern California, it is VERY common to see tailgating all over the place. I don’t think too many people get cited for it, so I’m not sure what kind of statistics there are, but I would need more hands than two to count how many times in the past week or so I’ve had somebody riding my tail. It frightens me, as it is sometimes SO close that I can’t see the front grill of the vehicle.

Zenster, I kind of like your idea. I hope that those who come in to read this thread will not be thrown off by the fact the OP pays much attention to SUVs. It’s vehicles of size that create more dange, an SUV just happens to be a very popular type in that category.

Zenster, I think I love you for that. Except for one little niggle: I woul dhave to drive approximately 35 miles per hour to make sure I wasn’t tailgating someone, because the second I leave even 1.0001 car-lengths between me and the car in front of me, it is taken by exactly those you describe as being at least partially responsible for abrupt merges (this will quickly turn into a rant if I don’t end it here).

Thus, the determination of “tailgating” is not necessarily possible given the state of the roads now. However, I wonder if there isn’t something that could be put in cars as mandatory that reads the speedometer and gauges the distance to the vehicle in front of you and does something annoying when this is violated.

IMO the OP is a thinly veiled pit rant against tailgating and to a lesser extent SUVs instead of an honest GD but for the sake of fun I’ll take some shots.

This would create a situation where some people are ‘more protected’ by the law then others. The smaller and more flimsy your vehicle the more protected you would be by the law. After the law passes not only do I have to worry about my driving but also who I am driving behind. After the law passes I not only have to try to avoid accidents but when presented with one that is unavoidable I have pick the ‘safest’ target. After the law passes people in the more protected classes can drive as unsafely as they please comforted by the knowlege that everyone will avoid them because anyone who is involved in an accident with them faces very stiff penalties.

In short, life is full of choices and risks and sometimes a valid choice of automobile is ‘none’. If the roads are too risky don’t drive.

NP: Opeth - Deliverance

If youre a driver in Southern California like I am then you know that we practically change our tires at 55MPH. We’re one of the cities that made the national 55MPH speed limit obsolete. In los angeles, the cities population is around 6 million (not counting the illegal aliens that avoided the census) Everytime I drive, i see 90 percent of the cars on the freeway have only the driver in it. I used to be able to drive 90MPH on the freways at around 2 AM. today, theres traffic congestion at that hour. If you dont like being tailgated, move to the right. I am not saying that to be arrogant, just let the crazy motherfucker overtake you. Its safer to let that idiot tailgate someone else than to stew about and let him ride your ass to the exit.

I always hope that the guy tailgating me is as quick witted as I am and that his vehicle is very responsive because i cant be looking out for him while Im tailgating the guy in front of me. Yes, I am somthimes one of those motherfucking idiots you cant see the grill from your rearview mirror, although that would be difficult since my SUV rides so high. :smiley:

I agree that tailgating regs need to be enforced more- and that the police should notice large vehicles tailgating a bit more than smaller (large vehicles need more room to stop in, thus this is legit). But increased fines for larger vehicles? Not gonna happen, and is of doubtfull fairness.

erislover- the standard excuse of tailgators everywhere. It is simply not so. Allow room, don’t weave, maybe even slow down a bit (note that I have no problem with going fast if that’s what everyone else in those lanes are doing. I’ll go 80+ on I5 for instance, if circumstances warrent), and you’ll live longer. Oh, and you’ll “get there” maybe 30 seconds later than if you engaged in your typical aggresive driving pattern. So what if someone pulls in ahead of you? Let 'em. Once you learn to let go, you’ll find it really doesn’t hurt.

X-slayer. I agree about getting out of the way of tailgators- but sometimes, it is not a solution. If the traffic is heavy, and in front of you, and one each side is a solid line of cars, then sometimes “getting out of the way” isn’t practicle.

Aggressive driving (read “tailgating”) is rapidly becoming second only to to DUI as a source of road fatalities. A quote from a recent article:

“The highway safety administration report went further in quantifying the overall aggressive driving problem. According to the federal researchers, two-thirds of traffic fatalities last year involved behavior related to aggressive driving.”

What part of:

Tailgate a SUV with your semi truck or bus and prepare to pay big bucks.

do you not understand? It’s right there at the extreme top of the page.

Ever heard of something called the Social Contract? You know, the one that says, “Stop at red traffic lights, pull over for emergency vehicles and that pedestrians have the right of way.”

Another excerpt from the same article:

“The highway fatality rate has been increasing by small increments for four years–enough to establish a clear trend, researchers say. Overall, the death rate is still relatively low, even while travel is at an all-time high, the highway safety agency reported. But the cause of crashes seems to be shifting to aggression. Overall, federal officials said, traffic accidents cost the nation $150 billion a year.”

[sup]EMPHASIS MINE[/sup]

If you have bothered to read the other posts in this thread, then you already have evidence that tailgating is rampant. If you read the news then you know that disproportinate bumper heights are a new and capable killer on the roads.

Did you read the connected list of implications that tailgating directly contributes to? A German computer model found that even one or two cars making abrupt speed or positional changes can cause an entire traffic jam.

Yup! Civilized society really thrives on it. It seems to have worked for the last several thousand years. Do you use your turn signals? Welcome to social cohesion. Got a problem with it?

My point exactly, and yet the idiots who are so often behind the wheel of an SUV drive like it is a sedan. SEDANS DON’T WEIGH MULTIPLE TONS!

Once again with feeling … Did you bother to read the header of the OP? This thread pertains to drivers of all vehicles, not just SUVs. I just happen to find that SUV drivers are among the worst and most consistent violaters of this law and therefore give them more of the spotlight.

Thanks, it’s nice to be appreciated.

This is precisely why I propose more draconian penalties for tailgating. If people found themselves with a $500 dollar ticket for shoe-horning themselves into that “1.0001” car-length, they might begin to think twice.

Au contraire. A simple rule of thumb like maintaining at least one car-length when exceeding 35 MPH would be a great place to start.

As to technology; there are new designs for short throw vehicle based radar that will alert the car’s driver when dangerous following distances occur. All of this is too close to the “Big Brother” black boxes that insurance companies want on all vehicles. Aggressive drivers are effectively propelling society towards the incorporation of navigational monitors on all vehicles in order to assess responsibility for accidents. All of this is unnecessary, IF ONLY PEOPLE HAD THE BRAINS TO DRIVE POLITELY.

I refer you to an excerpt related to the German article mentioned above:

"The model shows that fitting just 10% of cars with driver-assistance systems could ease this problem; putting them in 20% makes congestion vanish.

In driver-assistance systems, automatic controls in the car sense the distance and speed of the car in front - using radar, say - and accelerate or decelerate accordingly."

Sadly, the article makes no mention of their finding that only a couple of erratic vehicles can propogate gridlock. I am also extremely uncomfortable with any mechanical or electronic device that would alter the velocity of my vehicle without my direct intervention. Yet, this is exactly what aggressive drivers are making necessary.

Thank you for your constructive observations.

I wish everyone knew how much I detest Government over-regulation (like helmet laws). I just happen to detest aggressive drivers even more, be they SUV drivers or whatever.

Well, right, no doubt, but like I said, I try and maintain such distances and the only way to do that is to slow down so that there is a constantly huge gap in front of you where all the schmuckos will fly into as they cross four lanes of traffic to exit off the same exit they… sigh no ranting. But if I get a ticket for tailgating because someone else got in front of me, I’ll be a little more than upset, you know?

Still, I absolutely hold close-following at fault for the majority of driving ills and frustrations.

Not so. This is an earnest attempt to examine the validity of specifically imposing increased penalties for reckless endangerment of other people’s live in situations involving disproportionate weight vehicles that violate safe following distances.

You already have to do this. It is why, only under extenuating circumstances are drivers that rear-end another vehicle able to avoid culpability for the accident. The umbrella of “protection” is extended to all drivers of all vehicle sizes.

You are completely off base here. If an accident is totally “unavoidable” then you should not be to blame. If it is avoidable and you could have avoided it, then you may be found responsible. That is a determination to be made by traffic control officers and courts of law. To say that the legislation I propose would permit the drivers of compact vehicles to operate them unsafely is also entirely mistaken. In no way are any drivers released from their routine obligation to drive safely.

Did you also not read the header of the OP? Compact vehicles still must maintain safe following distances from motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians. The proposed legislation telescopes throughout the spectrum of vehicle sizes. You also seem to imply that a large majority of people drive SUVs, this is also not true.

And to this I say, “horse hockey!” If the roads are too risky, find out who is propogating any needless risk and levy sanctions upon them that deter such risky behavior. Brandishing firearms in public has been found to increase public risk and is legally proscribed. Aggressive driving increases public risk upon the roads and requires similar proscription.

I see no problems giving out higher fines for tail gating…of course considering almost no tickets get handed out for this infraction makes the whole issue kinda moot though.

I have tail gated and been tail gated and never have I even heard of something getting this ticket. Funny thing is, I have gotten one but it didn’t make it to court (DA sent a letter stating the case was dropped).

I think the real issue is why people need to tail gate. I tail only in the left passing lane. If I’m on your ass, there’s a reason for it. Although I risk getting a ticket, so do the left lane driving slow non-passing drivers…yet no one worries because cops are out to stop speeders and not impeders.

Also another issue you need to get around is what is “tail gating”?. Around here the law states 1 car length. I can still tail people at 1 car length. 2-3 car lengths is safer, but also going to cause all sorts of problems from people ‘butting’ in front of you.

I’m also sure someone is going to bring up things like “human reaction speed is 2.3 seconds” which, if true, means no one should be driving. If you needed to tail people 2.3 seconds behind a driver, you’d be over 100 feet away at highway speeds.

I think the cure for tail gating is higher speed limits on the highways, strict enforcment of passing laws and strict enforcement of impeding laws. Get the slower, clueless drivers off the roads.

[sup]EMPHASIS MINE[/sup]

Ahhh … the voice of reason. Thank you, DrDeth, for making one of the most salient observations possible. Aggressive driving yields miniscule, if not zero, benefit to the practitioner and astronomically escalates risk of life and limb for all.

Because the other thing that irritates me is causing clustered traffic because of going slow! LOL I’ve never found a happy medium around here.

Yes, and the reason is that you are a rude & dangerous driver. (At least by this, anyway). Sure, some dudes DO go slower than traffic in the left lane. But you just make things worse- and often make them get even slower by tailgating them. Go around, or- come up a “slightly less than safe” distance, and flash your lights. Once.

Of course- sometimes there is simply no place for them to go. There is a solid line of cars just as slow beside them & ahead of them. In which case- slow down, back off, and relax. You ain’t getting anywhere faster by tailgating in this situation.:wally

Now- Badmana has a point- slower drivers do need to drive on the right. I don’t care if your speedometer says you are going the speed limit. Maybe it’s wrong- but it doesn’t matter- if you are impeding traffic, get the hell over. How to tell this (clues for the clueless): 1. there is lots of open space in front of you, maybe you can’t even see the next car. 2. There are several cars behind you, closely packed. 3. You are not leading a funeral. Ifso- get to the next lane to your right.

But- badmana- it’s not “one car length” it is one car length per 10MPH, ie yes, 100 feet or so. Cars get in front of you? So what? Let 'em.

Zenster- thanks, I try. I notice you also tend to attempt to be the same sort of “voice of reason” here.

For erislover’s sake, I will add that drivers who impede the flow of traffic also need stiff fines. Similar rationales for tailgaters promoting over-congestion on our roads, also apply to drivers that impede traffic. They too increase vehicular wear and tear, pollution and personal time lost.

However, slow drivers do not justify tailgating. I refer you to DrDeth’s well constructed post.

Back at 'cha, Doc! Here in California, they have changed over to the “three-second” rule. Your car should pass a stationary object three seconds after the vehicle preceding you has passed same. This melds very nicely with the above mentioned 2.3 second human reaction time.

PS: Badmana, you use nearly every single hackneyed cliché in the book in justifying what you yourself admit to being totally atrocious driving habits. Please obtain a clue.

As a motorcyclist, I have often thought how nice it would be to have separate rules for different types of vehicles and offenses. For example, motorcycles should be able to go 50 through school zones. Why not? They have much shorter braking distances and much smaller frontal area to strike the wayword kiddie! Much less risk, I say!

Aint gonna happen. The constabulary can’t enforce the laws they have now, let alone worry about a bunch of new ones.

(I admit I only read a tiny bit of this thread due to time constraints)

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