In some debates my nationality is more relevant than my actual location. Therefore I wish to have my Location field read “Dublin, Ireland (English ex-pat)”. However, as you can see
<=== it cuts the field at 24 characters. I have noticed that there are some posters who have a longer location field. I have tried spoofing it by altering the submission form (feel free to slap my wrist), but clearly the database limits the submission to 24 characters only too. Is there any way to increase this?
I thought it was longer than that; didn’t we have someone who had their address extended all the way up to ‘the universe’?
Yes, that’s one of the ones that stuck out. I wonder if they filled it in while we were using the older version of the vBulletin?
And here’s mine. It’s longer than what you’re wishing for.
When did you enter your location then, Another Primate?
English ex-pat in Dublin will fit, if that’s any help. (mentioning that Dublin is in Eire seems a little superfluous)
The trick is not to type onto the end, but to insert in the middle of the text. Then it will let you go to the maximum length.
I had thought of that, but the “City, Country” convention is common in the US, and as this is an American board I don’t want to be confused with someone from the many Dublins in the US.
Anthracite, thanks for the advice, but that method doesn’t work.
Speaking as someone in the U.S., I don’t think anyone would mistake “Dublin” for a Dublin in America.
Ah well, I managed to squeeze in the closing bracket, so that’ll do.
dantheman, oy geez, wot gives you the impression that I en’t a septic then?
A septic? A septic tank?
Damn foreign slang…
Some people were making the location very long, so we reduced the maximum length of the location field. But if you had typed in a long one before we reduced the size, it would be allowed until you try and change it again.
Fair enough. Thanks for filling me in.
I think it was within a day of the boards coming back from the disaster, jjimm.
Arnold: if long ones were annoying enough to make it impossible to to add any more long ones, why not also require that the existing long ones change?