For two FUCKING years I have listened to hollow promises from my cable company. They are never going to upgrade my area so I can get cable modem. Why the hell would they afterall, I live in the fuckin’ boonies. “We are working hard to make cable modem available to you.” Yeah, right, BITCH! I guess I’ll end the bitching about that now.
Something new to bitch about - College for the Winter quarter will cost me about $1000. The bad part is that the classes this quarter have been a real joke, never learned a damn thing. 80 dollars for a damn math book. GRRRR! That damn book better be made of GOLD.
Oh, and the other day the heat in my shitty Geo Tracker starting crappin’ out. Just when it is startin’ to get cold, WOO HOO. Today, it totally crapped out. I don’t care what’s wrong with it or how much it will cost. I will just accept that its broken and I will continue on in this shitty freezing hell I call a life. I really hate that car, I should just jam it into reverse while driving and really tear the hell outa that car, or go 75 over some railroad tracks.
I think I’ll stop bitching now and turn on the tv, Fargo is coming on in a few minutes.