Installing FreeAgent question, HELP!

Okay, I got to the screen where it asks for an NNTP news server and an SMTP mail server. I don’t know what to write in those fields. My ISP is I entered the wrong thing in those fields, (Internet Explorer and hotmail) and now I can’t get that particular screen to come back up to correct. I tried uninstalling but it just bypasses that screen. 1) what can I do to bring that screen back up and 2) what do I enter for those fields? Please consider this an “idiot behind keyboard” question!



The error message I get is

An Online error occurred
When: Looking up server Internet Explorer
Reason: Error rep by winsock driver Host name not found.


Your freeagent version may may be different than mine but try going to the “Options” tab at the top and choosing “User and System Profile” sub-category. That is where you change those parameters (on my version at least).

the field inputs will usually be

news: “
mail: “

…or something similar. You need to call your ISP to get these parameters.

Thank you for the information, but I don’t get user and system pref. and without seeing those(NNTP/SMTP) fields again, I can’t correct my mistake. It’s like FreeAgent gave me one try (or my system did) and I screwed it up by inputting the wrong data. Now all I get is the message NO GROUPS and no way to correct. Weird, huh?


The nice thing about agent is you can just delete the directory of files & reopen the zip & start again.
You need a mail server to get mail & a newserver to get news. You can use any of the free newservers there are or your own.

news: “
mail: “

Those sound about right. after you input you have to select:ONLINE:REFRESH GROUPS LIST or GET NEW GROUPS

IF you don’t like Agent you can try & search for ‘newsreader’ & try whatever they have these days Quasimodem