I’ve thought about this topic before. I believe it has to do with showing how much you care about someone. Now, if you are showing a potential mate how much you care about them you get flowers and small gifts and crap. Try giving your buddy flowers. So if you can’t give a buddy flowers, how do you give them attention? The answer is the insults.
Insults are a great way to show attention/affection cause you have to know someone pretty well to insult them effectively. You have to know your buddy was up late the night before, which explains why they’re tired, which is why they came in late, which is why you can harp on them about how late they are coming in. Looking at your wrist watch (or at your wrist to show that you are clocking them), saying, “umm-hmmm!” when they walk by, and then go to complain about how they must think they are sooooo valuable to the company that they can come waltzing in just before lunch!
Another way we show affection/attention to our buddies are practical jokes. It takes a lot of energy to set up and perform a prank. If it’s clever enough, then the mark actually laughs instead of getting all pissed off.
Okay, so now we know that we flip off our friends and ignore our enemy’s. How can we use this to our advantage? Well there are many ways. If you are employed, get on a joking/insulting level with your boss. If you are a manager, and you want to build a team, divide them in two and get them working together against each other. Start giving everyone you know a bad time to see where you stand with them. If they laugh it off, then you can figure they view you as okay. If they give you blank looks and say, “you don’t know me well enought to say things like that.” then you can figure they don’t view you as okay, but they don’t hate you. If they interpret it in the most insulting way as possible, then they really don’t like you.
Ask someone you don’t especially like, but need to get along with, what their plans are for the weekend. On Monday, ask them how it went. Look for inconsistincies in their stories. Like if they say they are planning on going to the beach, but end up going to a park, ask them why they changed their plans. But before they answer, accuse them of not wanting to get sand up their butts. One thing you will find is that people feel compelled to tell you what is going on in their lives. I believe that is how criminals get caught. They may pull off the perfect crime, leaving no evidence, but they tell their buddy how they did it and then the buddy gets busted for something and rolls over to reduce a sentence. So if you do something illegal/unethical, never talk about it!
It may seem Machivalien to spend time talking with/getting to know someone you don’t especially like, but have to get along with - like in a work situation. But I believe that is how you can get ahead, and increase your circle of influence.
So that has been my personal experience.