I am in the process of starting a website. However, I’m having a strange problem that seems to be isolated to me; at least, no one else that has tried has had it yet.
It just randomly comes up as “page not found”. The status bar will say it’s looking, but it can’t find it. Even when I try to FTP into the site, it will say it’s unable to resolve the host name. But no one else has had this problem, and it’s driving me insane trying to figure out what the issue is.
The site is at http://www.peekzine.co.za , but I doubt there will be anything there that makes a difference because the problem existed even before I had moved any files to the server.
Anybody have any clues? My website skills are on par with a toothbrush’s, so nice, simple English is appreciated 
I didn’t make it clear, I don’t think, that eventually, I can access the website. It will be unaccessible to me for five, ten minutes, and then, suddenly, accessible again. But during the times that I can’t get to it, other people can, so it’s not as if it’s offline or anything.
A DNS WHOIS Lookup indicates this is a new domain registration. It will take anywhere from 24 to 72 hours, if not more, for the DNS to propogate across the 13 worldwide DNS servers.
BTW, the registration page says you haven’t paid for your domain name yet. 
Are you using the IP address to FTP content to the site? Or are you using the domain name? I suggest using just the IP address for the first week to FTP content and build your site. Once the domain name is propogated across the DNS listings you should be fine.