International Yellow T-shirt Day

Back in the olden times B.I. (before internet) I was a high school student in Winnipeg, during the 80s,and every year we had the above noted. Why has been lost to the mists of time, but I do have a button from that time and we did wear the apparel.

Anyone else ever hear of this and what did it mean? I know it was bigger than my high school, but my Google fu has failed me.

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Googling, I can find a few LGBT events, but they seem to be pretty recent in origin, and its hard to picture a HS in the 80’s being progressive enough for such an event.

But I also found two cryptic links for an “International Yellow T-Shirt day” for the last Thursday in April (so, um tomorrow) that has been going on for 36 years. Here’s the Facebook page. I imagine that’s what the OP is referring to, but it just seems like somebodies in-joke with his friends. Not sure how he got Canadian HS to participate 30 years ago.

My WAG, it started as kind of a hippy joke that briefly caught on in the 80’s, and a few people are keeping it going 30ish years later.

Here’s an even more cryptic web page. The author is from Winnepeg, so presumably its the same thing.

But Its a blog called “All Things Yellow”, which contains a single entry, a blogpost that contains nothing but the phrase “IYTSD is drawing nigh.” I feel like I’m finding clues to some ancient Da Vinci code type secret cult.

If I end up dying in mysterious circumstances in the next few weeks, it means I got too close.

Some website.

Yeah, that explains everything. :dubious:

The whole thing would make a good candidate for a post in the next “very vaguely creepy” thread. The single entry blog I linked to dates from 2005. Which means someone has paid fees to keep the domain name for ten years

The Facebook entry is perfect! Thank You! You are right in that it had nothing to do with endometriosis or LGBT events. Time to grab my yellow t-shirt!

As to why it started at all I have to look a little further.

I’m pretty sure Blogspot pages are free.