Introvert Attempts Introduction Thread

I know these sorts of threads aren’t particularly welcome by some of the crustier members, but other people tend to like them, so I’ll take a stab at this.

Long time lurker and an intermittent poster the past month or so. I’m so gun shy of people, I’ve only checked a few threads for follow up comments.

What can I say about myself?

I’m thirty-three years old and married. One of those Childfree nutters who jokes about eating babies, but honestly just doesn’t want to hear (about) babies constantly, so I’m not adamantly hateful.

I own four cats: Greta, Eli, Chloe, and Freddy.

I suppose you could call me a curious monotheist who leans toward deism. I’m curious about the origins, nature and function of God as opposed to the Bible thumpin’ brand of Christianity I was raised with. Because of that, I feel following science news is essential. I particularly love studying about the human brain, robotics, and space.

I enjoy all the typical “nerdy” pursuits: gaming, roleplaying, reading, coloring books, photography, etc… I don’t consider myself a geek, though. I don’t follow memes or particularly like them. I try to avoid fans of things. As with all aspects in my life, I’m more private about my interests. The idea of conventions, for instance, makes me a nervous wreck. I also don’t like how it’s tarnished the reputation of REAL nerdy people who are socially unaware, not too pretty, and interested in more than Ponies, Think Geek products, and webcomics.

I am very introverted, and that’s why I’ve been hesitant to start posting. I tried My Space, Facebook, Twitter, and blogging and all ended in disaster. I lack tact when I become passionate about my interests or when I feel threatened. I don’t even own a mobile phone, choosing an iPad instead. Offline, I have no social life beyond my parents and husband. Online, I have two friends. This is about all I can handle.

Still, I do enjoy a good discussion, and I like the more rational flavor of the SDMB. I know, not the most zany introduction thread, but this is who I am. If you don’t want me, just say so. :smiley:

Welcome to the Straight Dope, Nerdessence. You sound like my kind of people (though I’m wildly extroverted, myself.)

Apologize less. Post more.

And welcome! :slight_smile:

You obeyed the cat picture rule. You can stay.

Yay cats! Yay cats with blue eyes! Yay multiple cats!

Yes, I miss my cats. Welcome to the board as a poster. Now, where did we put the goat?

It’s next to the squid.

Not anymore.

Mariah! You naughty girl! How many times do we have to tell you, the goat is for company???!!!???

ETA: welcome, Nerdessence, from a fellow introvert.

You seem cool. Hi!

Welcome !! Now you have three friends and perhaps many more before the day is done. But don’t worry. Most of us have had our shots. :smiley:

No need to be shy in these parts! Go right ahead and be odd! There is odd all over the place, (try not to step in it!)

That’s part of it’s charm, and we lot like it just fine. So no need to apologize, just let it all hang out, we can take it!

So dive in, I say!

Welcome Nerdessence!

(All you lurkers, that’s right, I’m looking at YOU !!)

Welcome, Nerdessence, a very fine introduction post. I wonder how many cat people are on the Dope. You’ll fit right in. :slight_smile:

A Childfree nutter? That sounds like a very logical position to me. :smiley:

(Also Childfree.)

Welcome! Have fun!

Welcome Nerdessence, Beautiful cats and great photography! Hope you have fun here.

Ah, you’ll probably fit right in around here. (Concur: those are some beautiful photos of beautiful cats!) waves hello

Pretty kitties! Is Greta part Siamese? I have a Siamese mix.

You win for beautiful cat pics.

Welcome to the Dope. I think you will feel at home with our many introverts, myself included. Although I must venture to say it sounds like in addition to being introverted you also suffer from social anxiety. Don’t worry, we have that too. We’ve pretty much got everything.

I leave you with the best advice I can muster after six years posting here : embrace the friendly types, learn to ignore the jackasses, and never take yourself too seriously.

Welcome! Another introvert chiming in – I don’t post often, but the dope is great.

Besides you have kitties, you’ll fit right in! Actually, if you could post any tips on getting good pics of cats… mine are always squinting because of the flash.


Calamari Up!

Nice cats.

Let me see if I got this.
You have a living space that you maintain, and there are four fuzzy animals living in it.
You feed these animals, take care of their waste, entertain them when they want entertainment, and put up with them when they are aloof.
And YOU think you own THEM?

Hope you find my lame attempt at humor grin-worthy, and stick around.

Yay, fresh meat that isn’t an idiot! And has great pictures of cats that are all arty and shit! I would invite you to join the social anxiety support group, but it’s just a bunch of people sitting and glancing around nervously for an hour every week.