Invincible ( Amazon TV series) [Spoilers]

He beat gun-hand guy twice, and Titan the first time they met, I believe.

His powers also seem to be portrayed pretty inconsistently—it doesn’t really seem plausible that he’s getting his ass handed to him by a mechanically augmented human, where OK, the augments are super-tech, but the human part is still pretty squishy, when he’s pushed an asteroid back into space just the other day.

But I wonder if there might be more to it—Cecil seemed likewise surprised that the cyborgs could give Invincible a run for his money. Perhaps he’s got a Gladiator-like thing going on, where he’s only as strong as he’s confident? Seems like he’s performing worse now that he’s experiencing a bit of a crisis than he did before.

Well, I think he was also still weak from Battle Beast’s smackdown.

This was my thought as well. My guess is he used to be human and is trying to regrow a body for himself.

A third vote for that. With the genetic manipulation to have lots of powers.

I found the show this weekend and binged the first 6 episodes. A little bit uneven but overall it’s pretty fun and holds my interest. Some really strong casting as well. Even some of the more minor characters have big name voice actors.

One thing I noticed…the show/comic’s artists apparently have the same taste in women as I do.

He definitely seems like a person trying to get a human body again. The weird part is that it looks like he’s tried to tell people this and stopped because they just didn’t give a damn.

As for invincible, he seems to be much stronger than he thinks - when he’s stressed, he ramps things up (like when Eve was in danger fighting the Flaxons). His father seems to be waiting for him unleash his true powers by becoming ruthless.

I thought today’s episode was great:
-very satisfyingly cleared up what was going on with Robot
-All the Omni-Man-vs-Cecil-etc stuff was genuinely exciting
-Lots of hints as to what might be actually going on… still unclear whether Omni-Man just wants to make himself dictator/sole guardian/whatever vs something else. He certainly doesn’t seem like a monster
-And looks like we’ll be finding out next week
-Meh about the resolution with Amber. On the one hand, glad she figured it out weeks ago. On the other hand, she just saw her boyfriend risk his life and nearly get beat to death saving her and her friends… and her response is to be mad at him and dump him because he’s keeping a secret? I mean… maybe?

Amber’s definitely got a legitimate complaint with Mark, even knowing he’s secretly a superhero. He keeps promising he’ll do better with her, but he’s not actually making any effort to keep that promise - he knows he’s going to keep having to choose between spending time with her and saving lives, and he knows he’s never going to choose to let people die so he can make a date, so every time he tells her he’ll do better, he knows he’s lying, and that he’s inevitably going to disappoint her again.

On the other hand, getting on his case over what happened at the college is 100% bullshit. If she’d figured out he was a superhero, there’s no excuse for not letting him know, unless it was some sort of “relationship test” to see if he loved her enough to tell her about his superpowers. Mark was fucking up juggling being a superhero and being a teenager, but that first thing is immensely dangerous and complicated, and he doesn’t deserve to be crapped on for not being able to figure it out on his own. If she were invested in the relationship, she could have told him she’d figured out he’s a superhero, and tried to work together to figure out how to make the relationship work with that constraint.

Also, I knew it was coming because I’d read the comics, but I love that they’ve made Abe Lincoln an actual superhero in this universe.

Yeah, her reactions there don’t really make a lot of sense in this context. Why go through the whole ‘where were you?’-theater? She knew perfectly well where he was, so what purpose is served by keeping up the whole act? Breaking up over this makes sense if she thinks he’s abandoned her, but she knows he didn’t; he lied about who he was, and yes, that and his failure to commit is a legitimate grievance, but it’s not aggravated by his actions at the college. Indeed, he couldn’t really have acted differently there, and Amber knows this, so this shouldn’t really influence her decision of dumping him.

Otherwise, I think this series continues to get stronger—I’ve been wrong on pretty much everything I predicted, and I’m genuinely excited to find out what’s motivating Omni-Man. But a lot’s riding on that—they could blow it all, there. For instance, I don’t think the character can be redeemed, he was too wanton in his killing of Cecil’s soldiers, so if they tried anything in that direction, I don’t think it’ll work. But we’ll see.

Did you say “Hey Blinkin”?

What’s more, her putting on that whole act is her lying to him. Revealing his identity is a huge trust thing, a major step … being upset that he wasn’t ready to take that step, that big commitment, one that makes engagement seem trivial, right off is messed up. Her being angry with him for not being totally honest about that, while she lied for no actual good reason, no.

Anyway, really the best the clone bros have for a controlled Immortal is revenge on Robot?

I think it’s been well-established that the clones have stunningly high Int coupled with laughably low Wis

I was not really happy with Amber’s characterization, she was previously presented as the kind of person who wouldn’t be playing the stupid “relationship test” game she just did.

And damn, Omni-man slaughtering that surveillance team was brutal.

I don’t know that it’s so much that it’s the best use they have as much as it’s the most pressing use. Robot knows where they are, is actively trying to put them back in prison, and has demonstrated the ability to track them down and single-handedly take them down. Plus,

She is a teenager too, though, so I appreciate that it’s not just Mark making mistakes in the relationship - assuming the show recognizes Amber’s actions here as a mistake.

Sure, I get that, but it goes against how she’s been characterized as a savvy teen up to now.

So, Damn. This episode was ROUGH. (still awesome, though).

  1. Mark is 17, with his first girlfriend! Give the dude some slack. He’s going to screw it up, and there will be hurt feelings. Although it did go on too long.
  2. Omniman is screwed. The killings were on national TV. There’s no way to come back - unless its a mind-control thing.
  3. The Cthulhu-beast. Just… amazing. Loved it a lot.
  4. Guard Slaughter was… rough. Really rough. If I were the replacement Guardians, I’d have to think four or five times about going against Omniman. I just can’t see how they can win.
  5. If Mark has to kill his father… holy crud. That’s some drama.

I love this show, so much.

Good points.

But why send in those mooks with guns vs Omni man? I mean, he is immune to that. They know he is immune to such “puny” weapons.

Just trying to slow the guy down at that point.

I guess so.