'Io Mammate E Tu' (Karl Zero) translation

In this thread Girl From Mars helped me out with a translation of the lyrics for Karl Zero’s Le Panse.

Can anyone translate Io Mammate E Tu for me?

I can’t really translate word by word, because most of it is in Neapolitan and I can’t speak it, although I can get a bit of the meaning. The title of this song translates to “Me, your momma, and you”.

This song is a complaint from a man engaged with a girl about how she always brings chaperones to their dates (starting from her mom, the Mammate of the title), even if he told her quite clearly not to do so. And the problem is not just having third parties spying on them, but their bing greedy, obnoxious ones. For example, one of the verses tells about how the singer had to tolerate her little sister’s spoiled behaviour: he brought his GF and her sister to a posh, fashionable cafe’ and when he asked the little girl what she wanted, she answered “Whatever costs more!”

After a few other examples of misbehaviour, he says he’s pissed off and that he’s not going to marry the girl anymore.

Babelfish seems not to speak Neapolitan very well either. Is it really that different from standard Italian?

(Thanks for the gist, BTW.)