On my iPhone there are Completed and Today categories in the Reminders app, then a gray bar that says iCloud but can’t be selected, and then several more categories I created, one of which was also named Today. I thought the uppermost Today suddenly appeared a few months ago as a buggy duplication of the lower Today I was sure I created. The upper Today has nothing in it, and when I Edit my categories I can’t delete that one or change its name. The lower Today is the category I use the most, my short list of things to do.
I also have the same situation on my iPad, and they sync through iCloud as does my iMac (yeah there’s a theme). However there is only one Today on the iCloud web site and on the iMac.
Is there supposed to be a built-in category called “Today”, like there is one called “Completed”?
I tried a test, and put a reminder on the upper Today list, and though I didn’t try to set it to beep, it beeped at me a short while later. Maybe Today is a special category that audibly nags the user?
I tried renaming the lower “Today” to “Short”, using the iPhone. Now iPhone and iPad both have Today and Short categories, and iCloud web site and iMac both have a Short category and no Today category. Maybe the fact that both had the same name at first was a meaningless but exciting clue?
Also, I noticed that the gray bar saying “iCloud” behaves differently than the other things in the category list. When I scroll down through the list, as soon as the iCloud bar reaches the top of the pane, it says there, and other things scroll underneath it (so to speak). I originally thought it was a label attached to the lower Today category, as that was the category listed immediately below it, but now I think maybe it divides the list of categories into a section associated with iCloud (below the bar) and a section that is not (above the bar). Can anybody tell me if that’s right?
By the way, the Apple support forum is nowhere near as productive as SDMB. There’s another new post every few seconds, and most of the posts have no replies. Long live SDMB.
I assume Today is supposed to be a built-in feature where they provide you with that day’s to-do list. I never created my own “Today” list so I just have theirs, and currently it just has a couple of should-have-done-yesterday items on it.
My Reminders list-of-lists looks like:
(grey thin bar: “on my iPhone” - I don’t sync my reminders to the cloud, and I use a Windows-based laptop so I don’t have it installed there)
then my personally-created lists
OK, I’m doing an experiment. I will create a reminder on another list and put tomorrow’s date on it. Let’s see if it moves itself to the built-in Today list as if by magic in the middle of the dark sacred night.