Iraq WMD Report Coming- surprise its not very conclusive

Gee what a shock- the spin control away from the bogus WMD claims with which Curious George went before the Congress and the American people continues:


Gee, habe we seen this pattern before, promise an anwser is coming, start a committee or report, then classify the results or withhold evidence from them. Hate to say it guys, you missed the obvious conclusion. They didn’t have shit. The question is- what did Bush know, and when did he know it?

And here comes the future spin as to their failure to find anything:

You see they were need for other things- we will find that stuff sometime in 2005-- honest!

Should people actually want to debate this, there’s been a thread in GD for a day or so:

More bad news for reservists and National Gaurd types (whose rich daddies aren’t the Governor and can get them out of actually serving):

Doesn’t look like we are getting any help soon, despite the frantic admistration attempts to spin Bush’s UN apperance as anything but the abject failure it was.

Not good. :frowning:

Thanks London_Calling I don’t go to GD, so I didn’t see the thread.

That’s okay. I suspect there’s not an enormous amount of new material to debate, really. It’s not exactly unexpected.

So what?

The war wasn’t about WMD’s. Never was. For proof I point you to the 6 points Blair called for to be answered for war to be averted and Saddam to remain in power.

Oh hold on a minute they were all about WMD.

Wow, don’t I feel silly now

Finally- a spot of good news:

Like Father, Like Son hopefully.

I’m a Republican, and I hope that he gets beat.