Is Anybody Here Living The Good Life?

I keep thinking that everything is about to fall into place soon, only to keep pushing “soon” forward a bit. When I get some segments of my life working properly, others go out of whack. For about a month last year (June, 2001) I had everything going smoothly, but various problems have come up since then. Some have been dealt with, others have not.

I am very systematic about the way I run my life. I always have a plan for what I need to straighten out and how I need to do it. So, based on current plan, if all goes well, I should be in good shape in about two months. My first year of college is over in a month, so I won’t have that to worry about. When I get home for the summer, I first need to fix my car, which lost its brakes two weeks ago and has been sitting in my driveway. I also need to decide what to do with my hubcap business, which I had sort of placed on hold during my first year of college. I think I will try to get some real business going on eBay in my next year, but first I need to get organized and deal with about 2,000 dirty, unsorted hubcaps that are currently crammed in a storage shed in my backyard. So, those are really the only two aspects of my life that need special attention. It just irritates me that I have to grind through another month of college before I can take care of them :mad:. If it were up to me, I’d take a few weeks off from college right now, get that stuff done, and then come back with a clearer mind. Oh well.

-Andrew L

I’m in love.

A few weeks ago, the man of my dreams and I moved into a nice house together, and have been busy making it home. Including the “World’s Tackiest Bathroom” ongoing project.

The rest of life is good; work is involving, and challenging, and interesting. And pays, if not well, then more than I’m used to making. I’ve got time to develop and play role-playing games with my boyfriend and my friends, and we have a rollicking weekly game going. The family, even the dogs are in good health.

But all that pales next to the one simple thing…

I’m in love.`

** You know, I’ve never really gone hungry or been homeless or seen one of my loved one’s shot or tortured. I’ve exceeded the life expectancy of a number of third world people. ** So I guess my life might be considered postively charmed by some standards.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Congratulations on being whipped. That’s hella groovy. :smiley:

Well, I’m not in love, and I don’t like my job. But I like my life in general, and I’m in the process of changing the job part. And someday the love will come.

Meanwhile, I have a pizza on the way because I can. I have money in the bank, not huge amounts, but I won’t lose the apartment or anything anytime soon, barring something unforeseen. Things are generally good, maybe even great lately. Taking the steps to change the things that made me miserable have made me realize that I am in charge of my life, and to not be happy is ridiculuous, at least for me.
So, yeah, life is good.

Lets see how I match my fourth grade checklist:

Have a bazillion dollars.
hmmm, nope but not doing bad.

Collect all of the ewok action figures.
that’s 0 for 2 so far.

Get a dog.
WOOHOO I gots me a dog, her name is Kitty… she’s the devil.

Be the prsident (forgive the spelling hey I was 9)
No but then again it’s 14 years before I’m eligible. Vote C.H. in 2016

Kill Chris.
No but I’ve calmed down a bit… maiming will be fine.

Seriously though, I have almost a charmed life. Haven’t had a “bad day” in about 5 years. Don’t have any reason to get mad or angry. Active and enjoyable social life (going to drinks with the office girls from a doctor I know today yay me ). Great job, get to travel, paying off a house. Then only problem I have is one of lack of sleep, but that is self inflicted. Well here is to every one having a good weekend cheers.

I’ve got my share of personal problems, some of them severe in nature, but I also consider myself to have a very good life. I don’t expect it to all be sweetness and light, and my entire life has born out that expectation.

I despise the phrase “it’s all good”, because often it’s not. But it’s always better than it’s not.

I am indeed living a god life. I am happy overall. There are wonderful friends, great parents, an amazing relationship with my boyfriend, and success in my life.

So it is good.

To look at the big picture, my life’s pretty good.
I love my job (how many people can say that?), I love my husband and kids, I just got a nice new addition to my house, we have enough money for the necessities, money for extras, a cabin at the lake (inherited), a handful of truly good friends, so, yeah, life is good. It’s not all sunshine and lollipops, but you deal with and move on.

I think people use the Pit as a place to vent, which can be good.

Depends on what you call good. Some days, if the kids and wife are still alive by 5 p.m., that’s good.

Otherwise, can’t complain but sometimes I still do. Job’s good, we’re banking money, my father-in-law just gave us his 94 Buick LeBaron (weird name, “LeBaron,” mashing together French and English/German words. Sounds vaguely aristo-fascist. How come you don’t see “LeKaiser” or “LeDuke” or “LeFurher.” But I digress). So, now I have a car radio AND air conditioning.

Readership’s rising slowly at my Web site, I’m creating some mildly amusing material for it, and I’m nearly finished with the first draft of my novel about my ride on the space shuttle.

Plus, my 3 kids are healthy and my wife still loves me and the huntress kitty Vanessa’s pushing 17 and still reasonably healthy and I’m reading Terry Pratchett novels for the first time and the wife wants to spend $70 on Amazon and get the rest, so yeah, I’m pretty blessed these days.

Sorry, I hit Submit too soon (I was paying attention to an Ebay auction. :wink: I won! ).

You could almost say this is my personal philosophy.
“Shit happens. Suck it up and move on.”
I was not always were I am now.
I married very young, and ended up leaving an abusive marriage, with a young child. I went back to school, worked various jobs to support myself and worked very hard.
I have no patience for whiners and people who sit around complaining “If only…”. Only YOU can make yourself happy. If you’re unhappy, only YOU can make yourself not unhappy.
Life is hard. You deal with it and move forward.

Sure I like to complain. Only one working TV in the house, so I don’t watch much of anything anymore. I get to spend lots of time with my friends.

Can’t say I’m enjoying my current job. I’m taking care of my mother who is sick. But she is doing pretty well and is fairly happy. The rent and food is free. It would be nicer if I were unemployed and wondering what I was going to do if she was healthy. But it doesn’t much good to harp on what you can’t control. So I try not to dwell on that. But it is hard not to complain about it. I promise, this is the first and last time it will come up.

But overall things are really, really good. I’ve got some money in the bank and a running car. I was able to get an education. Never been abused, no substance abuse and known medical problems. Live in a nice house. Overall, life is good.

No way in hell you could ever understand how happy this makes me :slight_smile:

As for me? That sand dune is AWFULLY tall…

My life is very, very good. I won’t bore you with the details but I will say that it took one hell of a lot of work to get here. My Good Life takes a lot of work to maintain as well but it is very worth it.

“Life is good.” If I you would have told me when I was a teen that I would be saying that one day, I wouldn’t have believed it.


A day on the boards is like a day on the farm.
Every meal is a banquet, every paycheck a fortune, every formation a parade! I love the boards!

I waffle between the good life and the stressed life on a regular basis, usually when I forget why I’m stressed or forget why I’m happy.

I need a laminated checklist to keep in my pocket to remind me of why I’m supposed to be happy, and one to hang on my cubicle wall, and another on the rearview mirror in my car, and maybe one on the bathroom mirror …

In the grand scheme of things, I am living the good life. I just take so much of it for granted that the little meaningless bumps in the road annoy me so much - but only for a few hours until something comes along and reminds me that life is pretty good after all.

I’m about to graduate from medical school.

I got the residency that I wanted. While my income as a resident is not extravagant, it’s three times what I’ve ever made in a year.

I am getting married in December to a woman I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life without.

I found out that my poor credit rating is largely the result of an error, which is now being corrected. This means we’ll be able to buy the house we want, and I can probably score that VW Cabrio I’ve had my eye on.

I just got my Residency Relocation Loan, from which enough funds were left over to build a new computer.

It’s springtime in Kentucky, and the spring meet is on at Keeneland.

Sure, I’m getting ready to start what will almost certainly be the most demanding year of my career, I can’t get the aforementioned new computer to work, and as usual, I could stand to lose some weight. Still, life is pretty freakin’ sweet at the moment.

Dr. J

The reason I don’t post about how happy I am is mainly because of the modesty thing. I’d love to tell people about good stuff, but I’d feel terrible going into a complaining thread and saying “y’know, my life is perfect at the moment”, and I don’t want to start my own thread to brag about how fantastic I am. So here it is … many months’ worth of bragging: :wink:

Things are pretty good for me as well. I am doing well in a Uni course that I enjoy. I don’t have a job, but I have enough money to buy pretty clothes. I wouldn’t mind having a job, but it’s not terribly important to me. My parents have always strongly encouraged me to save money, so I have a nice nest egg in stocks, life insurance and several savings accounts. It’s not a fortune, but it’s more than most people would have at my age.

I have a fast metabolism. Sometimes during slothful uni holidays I can feel that my skirts are a teensy bit more snug, but as soon as Uni starts again and I’m walking around, it falls right off. I’d prefer it if my legs were a bit longer, but it’s a minor quibble.

I adore my boyfriend. We’ve been together for almost 2 years. He’s an incredibly sweet, wonderful guy who doesn’t mind driving around and hugs me every day. He tells me I’m beautiful even when I have zits around my mouth (which I do now).

Umm, in-laws and co-workers. My boyfriends parents like me and so do his cats. His mother does sweet things like buying an extra chocolate Bilby for me at Easter and toning the spicy food down when I’m over. I don’t have co-workers, but the other students at Uni are quite nice. This week I met a guy who knows my freaky ex-boyfriend and we exchanged horror stories.

I saw a cute dog today and a basket of absolutely adorable kittens. I bought BeneFit’s Bathina body cream/moisturiser today so I smell yummy. My boyfriend and I found a parking space at the Casino this evening.

So except for the breakout I have near my mouth, life is very good at the moment.

Yes, I’m living the good life.

I have the best job in the world. :smiley:
(OK, the last time we discussed it, I came second to someone who translates porn movies for a living - but I’m still no. 2)

The mortgage will be paid off in a few years. :cool:
I have enough disposable income to pay for a cleaner and gardener (I don’t like housework or gardening)

I have 4 computers. :eek:
(yes, I know that’s a little excessive)

I am still friends with a bunch of people I met over 30 years ago.

My family are in good health (me too).

I’m not married, but am relaxed about it. (Offers from intelligent females with a sense of humour will be treated politely!).

May you all find happiness too.

I have a pretty good life right now. I’m about to graduate from school, I have a great job and a nice apartment lined up, and all the people I hang out with down here are going to live near me. Plus, when I move, I’ll be near other friends that I haven’t seen in a while. Still working on that whole girlfriend thing, but I’m definitely not worried about it–I’ll meet somebody sooner or later, and I’m enjoying myself now.

Plus I bought a CD changer for my car today, and as soon as I get it installed (Wednesday can’t come soon enough!) I won’t have to listen to the crappy-ass Charlottesville radio any more. If that’s not a reason to be happy, I don’t know what is. :slight_smile:

Job - good, love it, boss loves me. Get paid really well

Hubby’s job - great, he loves it, his boss loves him. Gets paid REALLY well.

Translation - no money problems in our household - at least not at the moment.

Relationships - married 7 years, still in love. Have a couple good friends. 2 beautiful children (who are, of course, above average in everything). Wonderful relationship with my family. Good relationship with my in-laws. Have a kooky brother and sister in law, but life isn’t fun if you can’t complain about your relatives.

Health - good for all family members.

House and cars - house is four years old and in pretty good shape. No need of any major repairs (although I’ll finish the basement someday). Cars are only a couple years old and run well - mine would run better if I took better care of it.

Good life: I go on vacation regularly with my family. I have a housekeeper twice a week. I can afford to have someone babysit my kids so my husband and I can go out (did this last night). Golf season is starting.

I enjoy posting here. Its part of my good life. When time are tough (and they have been and probably will be again), I also enjoy posting here.