Is anyone else getting sick of the 9/11 "Remembrance crap/hype?"

First off, I am not trying or meaning to denigrate anone who was killed on 9/11 or any of their surviving family members, GF/BG, SO, lover etc.

But 24 hours of wall-to wall live coverage??!!??

Really, what the fuck is the point? To make those who lost someone, either in NYC in Pennsylvania or at the Pentagon, have to go through those unbearabley awful feelings all over again?

Seriously, where/what is the news value in this? From what I’ve heard, there aren’t going to be any startling revelations about last 9/11.

I don’t recall the Big 4/cable networks doing a 24 hour wall-to wall coverage thingee one year after the bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. yes, there was the ceremony, which was covered live, but that took what, 15-20 minutes.

Or could this have something to do with the fact that a good bit of the events took place in the self-proclaimed and self-centered “Best City In The World” ie: NYC?

This reminds me an awful lot of all the hoo-hah earlier this year about the gay MLBer who supposedly played for a NY team.

Result? This “story” is plastered all over the place and is on every talk/radio show and in the end it turns out to be pretty much a story about nothing.

But if this gay mbaseball player was playing in say, St. Lousi, do you think it would have gotten the same amount of "media attention?


Again, I am not trying to denigrate what happened on 9/11, but WTF?

Dude, I don’t think this is going to go well for you.
::Dooku takes several steps away from WSLer::

I’m right with you, WSLer. I’m sick with the opportunism and PR war of who has the better 9/11 special. I had a thread about this a while ago… I think it fell off the list.

Which is why I was so pleased with this week’s Onion, and the article Who Will Bring Closure to a Grieving Nation?


Ahh… you and I aren’t alone, WSLer. I for one won’t be turning the TV on that day at all.

I’m just going to say I see nothing inappropriate in the coverage, and if the OP does, I suppose the best course of action would be to rent a movie, go on a hike, or otherwise deal with it.

I think the comparison between the worst terrorist disaster in the United States and the sexual preference of a ball player is… inapt.

  • Rick

And there’s my other thread on the subject, if you’re interested in commiserating on the subject.

And here’s another one (indirectly).

I agree that the media is going overboard. When do they not? But I think there’s a need, if not news value. Many people in NYC are freaked by the idea of the anniversary. A number of my coworkers are working from home that day, or may take time out to attend memorial services or whatever.

Anyway, if the over-the-top TV coverage bothers you, it should be fairly easy to avoid. I don’t plan on watching. I’ll be busy contributing to the “remembrance crap/hype” by writing profiles of my coworkers who were killed in the attacks.

I understand why they’re doing it, and I get that it would be strange if they didn’t. But I’m avoiding the television, because it’s too much for me.

Then again, I can’t avoid the mandatory assembly at my school, or the moments of silence at the times of the various events of last year.

I am with you, WSLer.

I am tired of the “Let’s remember 9/11”, I f I remember how I felt last year doing, I was PISSED that some A-Hole could take a non-weapon like a passenger plane and use as a weapon of Mass Destruction, and I didn’t loose anyone.

When I was in the Navy, years ago, I worked in the office that was hit at the Pentagon.

I am going to take a moment of silence, pray for all of those who lost “Loved Ones”. Work really hard, get paid (payday for me), and not watch Network or Cable TV, that has the Non-stop Coverage.

I will listen to appropriate music at my office, as well.

I’m in the turn yer TV off and quit yer bitching camp.

The way some people are carrying on over this coverage you’d think they normally spend their Wednesday glued to the friggin’ TV.


I work at a cable network. (Not news.)

At 8:46a, we’re dipping to black for one minute. That’s when the first plane hit. I asked if we were also dipping to black when the 2nd plane hit, the Pentagon was hit, the PA plane crashed, Tower 2 fell, and Tower 1 fell. Thankfully, no.

At 8p there will be a cable network industry-wide PSA aired.

Our programming is such that we will not be doing commemorations or memorials. We have one hour-long show, no commercials, on some of the NYC firefighters, and I’m sure some of our live shows will touch on the subject.

Other than that, it’s business as usual.

I also love how they make a point that it will be commercial free. That of course means that we’ll be seeing “Nextel presents 9/11 remembered”

Bah, turn off the TV and leave it off all day.

They’re doing something nice at work.

The metro distributes a free newspaper (called Métro, oddly enough), and we get a page in it every day to give info about the STM, run ads for new transit services, etc.

Today I saw what’s going to run Sept. 11 - just a nice big peace sign in a cloudy sky.

I hope you’re sending copies to al Qaeda. They’re the ones who attacked us.

Boy, you really got 'em that time, Pld! Yessiree, Bob, it was the Al Queda who attacked us!! That’ll show 'em. That’s proof positive that…that…well, it proves something!

I mean, these peace creeps don’t seem to realise that these people aren’t like us, they have no respect for collateral damage. I mean, for human life. They are perfectly willing to accept the death of innocent persons in order to gain thier political ends. This is, of course, despicable.

After all, we are the Americans. We don’t do things like that.

Will it mean that? A couple of months ago when the discussion of 9/11 programming started to heat up, there were several stories about the networks having difficulty finding adverstisers for that period. Not really a story that many products want to be associated with.

So, I am just wondering if anybody has seen anything on how advertising is being handled.

I, myself, don’t really have TV so I’ll be missing the coverage and am mostly glad of that (though I am sure there will be several very good, very touching elements, I don’t go for public orgies of grief that much).

Ok, I didn’t get taken to the wooshed, at least not yet.

Iguess this wasn’t really a flame or a rant, well kind of a rant. For those of you who are doing the whole minute of silence, I completely agree with that. At Bean they are shutting down the entire distribution building for 5 minutes on the 11th.

To me, it just seems excessive. There is actual news out there that I feel should be getting covered on 9/11 but won’t be because of all of the remembrance stuff. That is what pisses me off.

What I’m sick of is every column in every paper referring to it. 9/11, Sept. 11, September 11, all of that…I’m slowly becoming used to it and I don’t like that. What we need is some freshness, some sort of rotating series of names to refer to the tragedy as.

I know this sounds really fucking stupid, but just hearing the date mentioned over…and over…and over…I don’t know, I’m slowly losing my grip on the impact of the situation. I’m not saying it should be ignored, but it feels to me, anyway, that all the excessive coverage on the anniversary and everything may be doing its part to remind us of the gravity of it all, yet still slowly making it a Date In History to be recalled but not felt.

::Yawn:: Get a new shtick, Big E. Really.

All’s I’m saying is that the 3,000-odd people who were murdered last year – 'member them? Couple of big buildings full of 'em? Anyone? – were going peacefully about their days when someone decided to fly a couple of jetliners into their workplaces. The survivors and their families are not the ones who need to be hit with messages of peace – the people who want to fly airplanes into our buildings are.

It bothers me that there is a not-insignificant number of people who appear disproportionately concerned with American military response to the attacks than they were with the attacks themselves. If you fall into that camp, then yeah, you bother me, not that you care.

And, not that it bears repeating or really matters, you might recall that I argued quite vehemently, with Zenster and others last year, against blanket reprisals against the whole of Afghanistan and against the Muslim world. My opinion on that has not changed one bit.

I work in broadcasting. We’ve had a couple of dozen advertisers that don’t want to run on Sept 11, a few that don’t want to run that week, and a couple that don’t want to run Sept 10-12. We’ve moved them to other days. We have various psa’s and promos to fill up the time.

I believe Fox News (and Discovery?) are going commercial free that day. I don’t know if other networks are.

A friend of mine, who works at a local NBC affiliate, says the network is airing coverage all day except for the half hour local news, and they won’t have any commercials either.