Is anyone else having trouble with Facebook? Any ideas for how I can fix it?

Facebook hasn’t been working properly for me for a few days and it’s starting to really annoy me. Basically, although I can read stuff, I can’t actually comment or post anything. You know how when you log in, you see “What’s on your mind?” in your status bar in gray, and then you click on the status bar and the prompt sentence disappears and you can type in a new status, which shows up in black? Well, the prompt sentence isn’t disappearing for me, and everything I type shows up in gray. When I click on “share”, nothing happens. It’s like the page is only loading halfway. When I try to load photos, it just sits there forever, loading the photo uploader.

I have had a couple people write on my wall in the last few days and it’s really irking me that I can’t respond. Not to mention, it makes me look like a jerk who doesn’t respond to comments.

Am I the only one having this problem? Any ideas on repairing it? I logged out and logged back in, which didn’t fix it, and beyond that, I’m stuck for ideas.

Delete your temporary internet files. To do this:

Click on the Tools menu at the top of your browser.
Select Internet Options.
Under Browsing History, click on Delete.
Remove checkmarks from everything except Temporary Internet Files.
Click the Delete button.