Is anyone planning on NOT following the election returns tonight? Or at least...

I was planning not to, but I got sucked in. Took about an hour off to watch the last half of Casablanca* on TCM, but otherwise have been mostly watching CNN. I think I’m done, though.

*I’ve seen it half a dozen times, but can always watch it one more…

I’m shocked, shocked, to find out there’s voting going on in here!

I just woke up from a 3 hour nap. :slight_smile: I’ve been dealing with a sick kitty and some other stresses and haven’t gotten a lot of sleep the last couple nights. After dinner I just decided to forgo any additional stress and try to sleep a while. I’m very happy the democrats took the House. I’m pissed Marsha Blackburn won. And I’m feeling pretty good about how close some of the should-have-been-a-blowout republican wins are. So yeah, good call on my part.

Come on, spoilers.

My wife & I spent the evening playing Canasta with another couple from church.

Had a wonderful evening and completely ignored political news.

I did vote early this morning.

I’ll watch the news tomorrow and catch up on the results.

Only 727 more days till election day.

I love watching election results real time! I don’t follow sports, because that has ZERO affect on my life. But election results do. It’s exciting, AND it has relevance. Best night of TV of the entire year.

Said it before and will say it again: I maintain enough control over my life and its direction that elections aren’t much of a worry for me. I’m about as interested in them as I am the Emmy’s (whoever wins, I’ll continue on with little effect). As in 2016, I went to bed at my normal time and found out the results over the next morning’s coffee.

The only differences between this election and last were: Last time I made some large investment moves and was a little concerned over how the market would react to Trump. Obviously that shouldn’t have been a concern. And there were no real surprises this time, things turned out about the way the pollsters predicted.

I had to wake up at 3 mountain time so I went to bed too early to learn much. Catching up now and at the airport.

Last night was a disaster. We have DISH tv, but only turn on the television on evenings like last night. First, the AAA remote batteries were dead and I had to find replacements. Then, I couldn’t figure out how to get things going. Then the onscreen guide was only displaying PPV sports and porn.

We finally gave up and listened to NPR.

Boy, that sucked. Last night was the first time in 2018 that we turned our tv on.

I followed about an hour of real time coverage before I decided that it wasn’t doing my stress levels any favors and played a video game instead for a few hours to keep myself off the election sites. Came back to see a 100% predicted chance of the House victory and could relax a bit more.

Yeah, woke up to pretty much the expected election results, which is good news for me. All I wanted was for the House to flip as was being predicted, and it did. I mean, I would’ve been happy with the Senate, too, of course, but I didn’t think there was a shot in hell of that happening this time around. Stress levels back to normal.