Is anyone taping the Howard Stern show tomorrow?

Tomorrow might be the last Stern show ever (yipes!). And im totally going to miss it and i dont have a tape recorder. Is anyone taping it? Please let me know if you are, ill buy the tapes from you. You can email me at thanks.

Well…did anyone tape the Stern show? Was it his last show or did he renew his contract?

He signed a new contract Thursday night. So I was told by someone who listened to his show this morning.

People actually tape his show? ::shudder::

I’d be happy to tape the show, so long as I can tape it to the next space shuttle headed for Mars. And only if they agree to leave it there before they come home.

That was my out-loud voice, so please feel free to speculate on what my inside voice is saying.

Scotti (not a fan)

I love how people are pissed because Howard is the only guy on the radio that actually has something to say. Do something good and everyone wants to put you down for it…way too many uptight people in this world.

Is his radio show different than what I’ve seen on TV then? Must be.

I’ve never seen his TV show but from what I understand it is just excerpts from the radio show. So yes, I would say the radio show is different.

Should this be directed at me, Cisco, let me state that I am not an uptight person. Yes, Howard has something to say. But if you call what he has to say good, then we are using a different dictionary.

The only time I listened to his program, he was:

abusive to his guest
denigrating toward women
nasty to his staff, on-air
not funny, except maybe to himself
totally without any redeeming value

Of course I only lasted about 15 minutes, so quite possibly I am missing something. It just seems to me that if you can pack that much offensive behaviour into 15 minutes, you probably don’t improve with acquaintance.



I heard his radio show a few times about five years ago. I found it mostly dull and pointless ramblings and occasionly mildly offensive. If I want entertainment like that I can just talk with my grandmother.

(Sorry Grandma.)