Is blood drinkable at refrigerator temperature? (Need Answer Fast.)

Thread by the same OP posted a week and a half ago. :wink:

Just finished that book. It is amazing that such a huge case was built around a clear fantasy, perhaps beacuse the press loved the story so much. Made me look at Italy in a new light.

Other than that, I have no comment until I know out what the OP has in mind.

Of course blood just taken from the refrigerator is undrinkable.

You have to let it breathe.

It tastes much better warm. It loses its zazz as it cools. I don’t advise presenting that argument to the court, however. Too anecdotal.

If you drink more than a pint of (human) blood you’ll vomit it back up due to the iron content.

Satan worship seems to be a [relatively, of course] common accusation in divorce cases. My aunt accused my uncle - a devout Christian - of it. She was so far gone she wouldn’t let my cousins watch The Lion King because she was convinced Rafiki was a Satan worshipper. You can’t argue with that kind of crazy.

Edit: Forgot to note that my uncle’s case was far from the only time I’ve heard of unfounded Satan worship accusations in a divorce case; just the funniest.

I’m afraid I have no memory of posting that other thread. :smack:

Sorry, everyone.

Yes, it’s my daughter who ‘reluctantly’ told her Mom she saw me drinking the blood.

It was a minor point, and yes I’m very much hoping it will be thrown out, tomorrow. But most likely not. She has family resources and lawyers, and i have no choice but to be a fool and represent myself.

Yep. I’m pagan.

Thanks for the answers, even if it’s not a slam dunk for that issue.

“If the blood don’t drip, you must acquit.”


And now I’m subscribed, the better to see what weird twists and turns it takes.

Sorry. I’m an odd fellow with a complicated life, and anytime I relate detail over my situation, Nazi Doper Parents are all over me like white on rice.

Just wanted to know about the blood, thanks.

Do you ever drink V8? if you do just say she probably saw you drinking a glass of V8. Otherwise, is there anything wrong or illegal about drinking blood and/or being a satanist anyway? Since you are a pagan though, I would concentrate on building all the evidence proving your paganism, a good amount of info about pagnism in general and how it is not even related to satanism. (throw in a couple good one liners about how you’d hope we’ve advanced a bit in the 500 years since Paganists were considered satan worshipers.)

Is your wife Christian? Do you drink red wine? Is there any possibility she is trying to cynically conflate the two with your daughter? Because, in a lot of instances Christians will drink blood during communion. Even though it’s wine, by any liturgical law, it has technically undergone transubstantiation and is truly blood.

I am truly surprised that this same thread got almost no reaction the last time and now everybody is here.

Anyhow, I just wanted to say that it took me a while to figure out that the accusation was that you had blood in your fridge and were drinking it. From the OP I understood that she was accusing you of drinking the blood that SHE was keeping in the fridge.

It is hard to tell which is weirder.

And I agree that looking too prepared for this one won’t look good in court. Just go for “Are you serious?” and try to look normal.

So you’re trying to prove to them that you didn’t drive blood even though you did drink blood? I didn’t know people really did that. That’s freakin’ nasty.

I had taken the OP to mean that he didn’t drink the blood but the kid’s mother accuses him of keeping blood in the fridge and drinking it.:confused:

Right, if I ever decide to take up blood-drinking, I’ll make sure first to disguise it as tomato juice.

Since he’s trying to find evidence to prove that he couldn’t have drank the blood, I think he’s saying he didn’t actually do it.

I’m thinking it’s counterproductive to profess some authority on the temperatures at which blood is drinkable. Knowing makes you sound experienced.

“I don’t know what the hell she’s talking about,” and “prove it, then,” are a better defense.

Really? Are you serious? Try reading the post again. Do you know what function quote marks perform?

ETA: As for your defense, I know very little about family court, but going there prepared with case law about false memory inductions, the “classic” Satanic ritual abuse scandals and whatever that organization Hari Seldon linked to advises you on. And personally, I would argue for full custody, because this woman sounds like a terrible influence on your child and someone you want to get as much distance from as possible. If it were me, I would be pushing hard to get her thrown in the nuthouse. That’s not advice, since I’m not qualified to give it, that’s just MHO.

A far better reason to keep mum would be for the sake of your case. You don’t really need to be putting details like this out where they might be found and used to cause you trouble.

You try reading the post again. There are single quotes around “reluctantly,” not “drank,” or “blood,” or any other word that would make your comment sensical.

So I take that to mean that the girl wasn’t actually reluctant. Why she isn’t reluctant is not stated. And then he says “I’m Pagan,” which I read as an explanation as to why someone would drink blood.

I think he meant that his ex-wife is making it up, and is claiming that she had to get the daughter to confess, reluctantly, that she saw her father drinking blood. “She didn’t want to tell me, your honor, because she was so scared of her father and the Satanic abuse he dishes out, but finally she admitted to me that she saw him drinking blood from the refrigerator.” When in reality the whole thing is complete bull that his ex-wife has concocted.

His being Pagan, meanwhile, wasn’t meant as a reason for him actually drinking blood – I’m pretty sure it was just meant as “That’s the reason my ex-wife came up with this particular accusation.” She’s counting on prejudice against pagans (and associations of “paganism” with “devil worship”) to work against him. He doesn’t actually drink blood.