Is Hillary/her supporters about to go on a rampage?

This CNN blog entry certainly raises the possibility, which has conservatives salivating, of course. I mentioned this in another thread, but thought it deserved its own, since there are a lot of questions that could be considered hijacks in that other thread.

What do you think Hillary and Bill will do? Their supporters (or at least the majority, or a significant number - we’ve already established that a sufficiently large enough group will have small numbers who’ll do just about anything you can imagine)? Will the choice of Biden and/or the “vetting controversy” have significant impact on November?

No. The number of actual “Clinton or bust!” supporters is minuscule. PUMA is a Republican front organization. Most of those 18 million have already moved over to the Obama camp. And Hillary herself gave the Biden pick a very complimentary review this morning.

All in all, the most that will happen is a minor tempest in a teapot as the ersatz PUMAs make a little bit of noise.

Just want to note, too, that most of the quotes in that article are from Clinton staffers or people who are very close to her professionally. Of COURSE they’re going to try to make an outcry! They’re losing their chance to cash in!

I thought the thread about Hillary making an end run for the Democratic nomination was pretty paranoid but in the last couple of weeks she has weaseled herself onto the floor of the convention with a vote count and now this eleventh hour lawsuit.

I’m not an Obama supporter but this seems well orchestrated to me.

Berg’s a kook. He’s a 9/11 Truther. His temporary restraining order to stop the convention was denied, which apparently presages a denial of a permanent injunction and makes the chances of the lawsuit going his way look very slim.

I personally find the idea that Obama isn’t a US citizen but some kind of foreign plant to be the height of paranoia and just plain craziness. If there was ever any proof that certain segments of the political world were completely insane, this is it.

He also claims that the Clinton camp had nothing to do with the lawsuit, that it was his own project.

Last minute dickheadery is common especially in elections that are high on the media list of useful things to cover… So every election we have kooks like this.

As for the PUMA Packers - they can take their signs and whatever else they have and go in the corner and think happy, happy thoughts until they are blue in the face…that’s probably a good guess as to what they will actually do at this convention.

I have no doubt he’s a wack job. I was linking Hilliary’s convention vote to the timing of this. to what possible gain can there be in this? It looks so desperate.

This guy’s a lawyer and he needs to find himself on the bottom of whatever legal shoe can step on him.

But Hillary was asking for the convention votes to be heard over a week ago, and apparently Berg just filed his lawsuit yesterday.

Besides, kooks don’t need to have rational reasons for the things they do. That’s why they’re kooks.

O K… And the fact they weren’t announced within hours of each other means?

Okay, I’ll admit that it’s POSSIBLE for Clinton to be involved in this lawsuit, but I’m sorry…that smacks of paranoia and kookiness, only on our side of this. She’s been positive about Obama since she conceded. She’s been quite positive about his picking Biden. I don’t see her as personally still holding out hope.

Go on a rampage? Seriously?

I think you missed the point of the thread. This is about Hillary supporters.

Yes, but I’m specifically answering about Hillary’s collusion with Berg on the lawsuit. Or even a plan to steal the nomination by rousing her delegates or something.

They are not going to go on any rampage. Protests that will be heard by fox news only, skipped over as the real story is going to be Biden being unleashed on the pubbies.

Okay, I’ll bite.

There’s nothing wrong with the Biden pick in of itself. What is wrong is the disregard that Team Obama had for Clinton as a VP pick. It would have made sense to have made some effort to demonstrate that she was in the running, even if she was an outside shot. But no efforts came from Team Obama to connect with Team Clinton. That was a mistake.

I’m a Democrat and Obama has my vote. However, I’m not happy with how this played out - and I suspect there are folks a lot more annoyed than I am. It seems such an easy olive branch that Obama’s team could have extended, but they didn’t.

Let’s all remember that VP isn’t the only job that will be opening up in January. Hillary could be tapped for a cabinet position which would be more influential.

I seem to remember Obama talking quite candidly about the vp slot with Clinton in the weeks after the primaries were over. Perhaps I am misremembering?

Do the polls support that statement?

Or misinterpreting. Was that candor, or campaigncraft? Did he ever seriously consider it?

I don’t know. To be honest does anybody?

*In short, Obama behaved like a grownup. Even his much-criticized failure to “vet” Sen. Hillary Clinton means less than meets the eye. I talked two months ago to one of her closest legal advisors, who told me that she didn’t really WANT to be considered for the number two job–in no small measure because the process would have required Obama’s lawyers to comb through her husband’s foundation and its murky sources of income.

In that sense, Obama did her a favor by not really demanding to consider her. She would have had to say “no.”*

This from Newsweek pundit Howard Fineman.

Now assuming the above is true ( who knows ), why go through an elaborate game of faux courting Clinton? If Clinton didn’t want be his VP and Obama didn’t want her to be his VP, why screw around with a bullshit false vetting?