Is IE really THAT slow or is hotmail just a slow site?

When I first started using Opera I didn’t buy that “Fastest Browser on Earth” crap, but now I’m not so sure.

For some odd reason or another I can’t login to Hotmail with Opera so that’s the one site I have to dust off IE for. And it’s painfully slow. Painfully, dreadfully, absolutely sickeningly slow.

What gives here? Is it Hotmail or IE that is dragging me into the very depths of insanity?

I think it may be a combination of both. I find IE to be a bit slower than Opera which is my default browser. Hotmail is one of the slower sites most of the time. What version of Opera are you using? I have no troubles logging into Hotmail with version 7.1

6.05 - my brother has the newest one (7.1 I guess) and I still prefer mine. Are there any compelling reasons to upgrade?

Sorry to be so late in getting back to you. I found that 7.1 works much better for the Microsoft sites and it seems that they got some of the buggyness that was associated with Java taken care of.

Of course, if you paid money for a registration for Opera 6 you should be warned that it won’t work with Opera 7.