Is it a quality issue--or maybe im bored

I’ve been sitting here for the last 45 minutes and had a few cans of beer. After I finish one I leave the empty can at my desk and grab another. I noticed that the cans are all different. You know at the top is a tab where you drink from–why is the tab never in the same place?

beer can #1 the tab is above the UPC symbol
Beer can #2 the tab is above the -ser in Budweiser
beer can #3 the tab is above the questions/comments number

Well, the real answer is that the tops of the cans, including the tabs, are put on the cans last- and the cans are not all held with their designes facing the same way.

But I suspect you’re bored. Hey, do what I do-check out the writing on cans of soup. Very interesting!!

Cecil said it. I believe it. That settles it.

Well couldn’t they turn the cans so that the face the same way everytime they put the top on

Yeah, they COULD do that, but what would you have to muse over while you decide whether this a quality control issue vs. you’re just VERY bored?? :slight_smile:

“Subconsciously there are many people you hate.” “Consciously,sir, consciously.” Yossarian corrected in an effort to help. “I hate them consciously.”

MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm… BEER…

I am sofa king, we todded.

Well, did you ever see the intro from Laverne and Shirley? Or visit a beer plant? ( I’ve been to the Anheiser-Busch plant at Busch Gardens- where you get free beer! Mmmmmmmmmmm!) The cans come down in a bunch and are picked up by converer belts to be filled with beer. There is no human hand to align them the same way. They are then filled, and the top is crimped down on them, whichever way they may be facing. I suppose you could design a machine to orient them in the same direction, but why go through the extra expense? Besides, it gives us something to wonder about after 3 or 4 beers. I still think you’re just bored, but what the hey? Been there, done that.

Cecil said it. I believe it. That settles it.


“Winners never quit and quitters never win, but those who never win and never quit are idiots.”

Instead of looking at the top, you should be practicing crushing them on your forehead! Especially if you’re drinking Bud!