Is It Just Me, Or Do You Think McCain Just Doesn't Look Very Healthy?

‘I want a moustache, dammit! Bluh! Bulah-bulah-bulah! I want a moustache, dammit!’

I always decide my vote on the appearance of the candidates rather than their political beliefs.

Oh, please do! But do big outlandish ones, please. I’d like to see:
–A classic Fu Manchu
–A handlebar
–A “cop” mustache
And if you can, muttonchops and a goatee or two.

Thanks in advance!

Oh yeah–I agree that McCain doesn’t look healthy. I hope that people don’t hold that against him, though. There are plenty of better things to hold against him. (Including myself, if he was still in his much-younger incarnation!)

Genetics and family history would seem to make McCain a better bet than Obama. McCain’s mother is 96 & growing strong. The longevity on his father’s side isn’t bad, considering his dad’s & granddad’s careers.

As for Obama: His mother died of ovarian cancer at the same age as my mother died of it. Granted, his father died of injuries from/in a car wreck, but the longevity on that side isn’t great, except maybe his paternal grandmother, who I believe is still alive. It’s true, genetics isn’t the only factor in longevity, but it certainly has an impact.

No, that was it. :slight_smile: I just happened to rewatch the episode and the line immediate came to mind when I saw the thread.

Here’s another picture of a young McCain - smoking a cigarette, no less, back when you could smoke a cigarette without being sent to a re-education camp.

I smoke, and have yet to be sent to a re-education camp, thank heavens.

carniverousplant, if looks were strictly what I voted on, I would so be voting for McCain, especially if he were to grow a mustache. But the OP was about his appearance vis a vis his health, and it kind of strayed, as such conversations do. It’s not that it matters, it’s just kind of fun. That’s why it’s in IMHO, not Great Debates.

FWIW, I’d like to see what Obama looks like with more reasonable facial hair, but I suspect he will continue to look best clean shaven for the time being.

This is official notice to write them in!

I think he looks old, pale, spotty, translucent and lumpy.

How anyone can want the leader of our country walking around the world presenting that face is beyond me. You gotta look at that visage get worse over the next 4 years. Anyway, people that weird looking just don’t get elected president in this day. The more people see that mug in September and October, the further he falls behind.

He’s goofy and short, anyway – the way he holds his microphone with two hands, he looks like a little kid with a big ice cream cone.

I think he was very good looking when he was younger, though. Thick neck, good shoulders, strong jaw.

In fairness, it is not unusual for those of us whose last names start with Mc (or Mac or O’) to be pale, spotty, or transluscent. I’m not saying that eliminates any possibility of reasonable concern, but it is possible that even if he wanted to McCain couldn’t get a tan (other than a spray on).

McCain also seems to me like the sort of person who wouldn’t sit still for makeup.

Didn’t he release a report about his health not long ago?

I believe he has had skin cancers. I had a melanoma and avoid full sun like a vampire. :slight_smile:

John McCain sustained terrible injuries (including breaking both arms) when he was shot down over North Vietnam. Then he was beaten by a crowd of civilians, causing a broken shoulder among other additional injuries. His captors not only refused to treat him, they beat him causing even more injuries. Wiki cite

Yes, he holds his arms oddly. He can’t raise his arms over his head. I’m sure these same injuries are why he uses both hands to hold a microphone.

I do not consider this a problem, but I knew a little of his history before I went to Wikipedia. Now I know McCain is a dozen kinds of lucky to be alive, let alone able to walk.

One challenge facing the McCain campaign will be to counter the idea that their guy looks “old” or “unhealthy”, particularly in contrast with a much younger opponent. I think the McCain campaign needs to get information out in public about his Vietnam-era injuries, and what those injuries mean to how he appears on TV.

He clearly looks old and unhealthy. Heck, he IS old and unhealthy, compared to Obama. The campaign’s challenge will be to keep that from mattering.

Sending a link to that Wiki article to every voter should take care of that. I did n’t realize the extent of his ordeal.

I’m not concerned.

I’m just saying what he looks like.

I know why he’s weird looking. . .he’s old, Irish, had melanoma, been a POW, doesn’t work on his public persona, doesn’t wear much make-up.

None of that changes the fact that he still looks old pale, translucent, spotty, and lumpy. And, noticeably worse than he did a few years ago before he began nursing from George Bush’s teat.

Let’s hope the voters show him as much understanding as he did his first wife. The former model & mother of his first 3 children–who was mangled in an auto accident while he was in Vietnam. Oh–he started tomcatting around & dumped her for a younger, still beautiful rich girl…

(This comment comes from a pale, translucent Irish-American who wouldn’t vote for McCain if he looked like George Clooney.)

Actually, McCain’s recently released medical records consisted of almost 1200 pages, and those only covered the period of 2000 to 2008. Aging is indeed hard on the body.

On the other side, the Obama campaign released a one-page summary from his physician. It was a comical contrast.

Necromancers are notoriously long winded. I just want to know how they keep the flies off of him…
McCain- “Mortician…! You Spoke French…!”

He released it to a select 20 reporters. It was 1157 pages covering from 2000 -2008. They were not allowed to take a copy. Not allowed to photograph sheets. They had 3 hours and then were broomed out.

All he needs is a…